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Rookie Mage Games Board Games Rookie Mage Games Portal Potties

Rookie Mage Games Portal Potties

Rookie Mage Games Portal Potties Step into the enchanting world of "Portal Potties" by Rookie Mage Games, where novice sorcerers have ingeniously delved into the realm of magical waste management amidst economic turmoil. In this whimsically strategic game, players find themselves entrusted with the oversight of three portal potties on their game board, each designated for a specific hue of poop: brown, blue, and pink. The heart of the gameplay lies in the clever manipulation of cards to teleport poop from one's own potties to those of adversaries, introducing a dynamic blend of strategy and hilarity. The ultimate challenge? To prevent your portal potties from reaching their capacity while cunningly filling your opponents' receptacles. Should any potty accumulate five poops, it hilariously overflows, injecting urgency and laughter into the mix. As players navigate the strategic landscape of magical waste management, the game crescendos into a thrilling competition of wit and skill. Only the craftiest conjurer of sanitation will emerge victorious in this delightful and competitive realm of mischievous wizardry. Do you dare to test your mettle in this realm where cunning and humor intertwine amidst the flush of victory? Prepare to immerse yourself in the whimsical chaos of "Portal Potties" and claim your title as the ultimate sorcerer of sanitation!

Regular price $23.31 USD
Regular price Sale price $23.31 USD
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