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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Aliens of Charted Space Volume 3

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Aliens of Charted Space Volume 3

Aliens of Charted Space Volume 3 explores five races - the pacifist Darrians, the enigmatic Geonee, the playful Dolphins, the aloof Orca, and the bureaucratic Bwaps. Within these covers you will discover the culture and society of these races, as well as their physiology and their psychology.Darrians. The Darrians are known to be a pacifistic race who value excellence in scientific and artistic endeavours. Many believe the Darrians an easy target, or that their outlook makes them inconsequential on the galactic stage. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Darrians are heirs to some of the most advanced technology available in Charted Space, and their advancement continues. For those who believe they can conquer this race of pacifistic scientists and artists, the Darrians have a feared weapon capable of causing a star to go supernova -the Star Trigger.Geonee. The Geonee claim to be the decedents of the Ancients, and have the ruins and remnant technology to support this. When first contacted by the Vilani, they were thought to be a Major Race until it was discovered they had reverse engineered their jump drive, causing the retraction of their position and relegating them to become a Minor Race. The Geonee have struggled to have their achievements recognised by the greater interstellar community ever since.Dolphins. Dolphins where gifted sophoncy by GenAssist, a genetic engineering corporation founded on Solomani principles. The project was a success, and Dolphins have become recognised as a Minor Race in their own right. Their communities are based on principles of total freedom and equality, but they owe a debt of honour to the humans who gave them reasoned thought.Orca. The Orca are another race granted sophoncy by GenAssist, but this time grudgingly. The project to raise them suffered a serious setback which nearly ended the programme if not for the generosity of the people of Sufren. Matriarchal and aloof, the Orca are far less friendly than their Dolphin cousins, and do not share their outlook, instead holding principles of matriarchal veneration and mindfulness.Bwaps. Evolved amid the swamps of an alien world, Bwap civilisation grew slowly though cooperation and the universal belief that they all have an individual and unique place in the universe to fulfil. Their obsession with minutia and fine detail placed them in the perfect position to make themselves indispensable to the bureaucracy of the Ziru Sirka, granting them access to technology denied to others. This book contains rules for creating Travellers from each of these alien races, High Guard additions and new ships, and Central Supply Catalogue entries for their new equipment.

Regular price $51.60 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: High Guard Update 2022

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: High Guard Update 2022

High Guard Update 2022 is a major expansion to the Traveller roleplaying game with rules for designing, building and operating spacecraft found throughout the galaxy. From small and nimble fighter craft to the adventure-class ships that Travellers fly, from gargantuan megafreighters to military capital ships, this book provides everything the aspiring naval architect needs to populate their universe with ships that ply the spacelanes. This book also provides rules for designing space stations and starports, customising ships, and exotic technologies found in popular science fiction novels and movies that can be incorporated into your universe. There are also advanced rules for sensors, detailed descriptions of starship crew roles, how to conduct violent boarding actions, and detailed guidelines for battles between fighter squadrons and enormous fleet battles. Finally, High Guard Update 2022 presents dozens of ship designs for the Charted Space universe, including small craft and fighters, traders, gunboats, scout ships and battleships ranging from lethal destroyers to colossal battleships, carriers and dreadnoughts. The revised design system provides a new approach to armour and armaments, making space combat scalable for anything from small skirmishes to devastating clashes between dozens or even hundreds of warships.

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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Robot Handbook

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Robot Handbook

Robots have been a staple of science fiction for a hundred years, fulfilling every role from near mindless worker, to faithful sidekick, to comic relief, to sinister villain trying to take over the world. They range from remote-controlled drones to super intelligent beings who have far exceeded the limits of their biological creators. Robots may be stationary objects equipped with a single arm or nothing more than a radio to control other machines. They may move across the ground, sea or sky, equipped with limbs, tools and weapons of all kinds.The Robot Handbook is designed to be both quick and easy to use, and configurable to customise all aspects of a robot's functions, capabilities and skills; a standard robot can be built in just a few minutes. The Robot Handbook also includes rules for making nanorobots and microrobots, androids, clones, biological robots and brains for both vehicles and spacecraft. And what is a cybernetic limb but a robot part? The Robot Handbook covers everything from a cybernetic arm to a whole mechanical body with a live brain inside. The Robot Handbook comes complete with an immense catalogue filled with robots built using these rules, acting as a springboard for your own designs and allowing you to begin using robots right away to be tools, companions or opponents for your Travellers to encounter.

Regular price $52.94 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: The Third Imperium

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: The Third Imperium

The Third Imperium is the greatest interstellar empire in the history of Charted Space. Its Emperors have reigned for a thousand years, building a utopian society based upon the pillars of duty, honour, free trade and a powerful navy that protects its worlds and enforces its laws. Despite all of its grand achievements, the Imperium has a dark side. It has committed genocide on its own worlds. Its leaders have assassinated and murdered each other in battle to obtain the throne. A civil war nearly tore it apart, ending the dream of its visionary first Emperor. Yet with all the Imperium has been through, it has somehow endured. The Third Imperium is at a crossroads, and choices made now will determine whether it survives or crumbles. Into this realm enters a bold group of Travellers, seeking fame, fortune and adventure in hallowed the Core sector, the ancient centre of human civilisation, where dreams are made and broken. This book contains everything Travellers and Referees need to travel and adventure in the heart of the Third Imperium, including: A huge poster map of the Core sector. Detailed descriptions of the people, society, military forces and power brokers of the Third Imperium. The complete history of the Third Imperium as it has never been told before. The Core sector, the heart of the Imperium, including playable human and alien races and world descriptions for all 16 subsectors. New starships, vehicles, weapons, armour and gear for use in Core sector campaigns or anywhere else in the Third Imperium. The galaxy is rich with opportunity, nowhere more so than at the heart of the Third Imperium. Travellers need only be bold enough to claim their share of the fortune.

Regular price $44.53 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Field Catalogue

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Field Catalogue

The Field Catalogue presents a selection of weaponry and equipment to suit all budgets and requirements, from handguns to grav tanks, from boots to starships. For those wanting something special the weapon design system puts custom firepower in the hands of your mercenaries. Balance knockdown power against armour penetration and magazine capacity; magazine capacity against the ability to get a shot on target before the opposition fires back. This book also has rules for situations the average Traveller never encounters: chemical warfare, standoff missile attacks, artillery bombardment and manoeuvring under fire on a low-gravity planetoid. Among the force-multipliers and problem solvers in the Field Catalogue are distraction grenades, auto-hacking intrusion devices and thermal concealment coverings. Personal weaponry ranges from the ubiquitous 'Mark 1' handgun to top-end gauss sniping weapons. For those with a bigger budget, the Field Catalogue presents a range of vehicles with options packages. The basic Negav 10-wheel truck is a humble logistics vehicle, but for a few thousand Credits more it can become a mobile headquarters or improvised ground assault platform. The S-series grav platform can transport troops to the battle area or provide support with its autocannon and Blackjack gun/missile system. The very richest commanders can travel in style aboard the Gravitas skiff or take command of a Shadow gunship for more direct action.

Regular price $44.48 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Mercenary Box Set

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Mercenary Box Set

Mercenary. Money will not always get you good soldiers, but good soldiers can always get you money... or land, or power, or whatever you are willing to pay them to fight for. Raise Your Force. Mercenary presents detailed rules for raising and equipping a mercenary force, training your troops and finding the best - or maybe just the cheapest - hardware on the market. Units are rated according to their capabilities in critical areas such as direct combat, aerospace defence or bombardment. Unit Traits provide additional capabilities that can tip the balance of a close-fought battle.Enter the Marketplace. Some plans do not survive contact with the client, let alone the enemy. Mercenary gives you the tools you need to make sense of a client's conflicting requirements and figure out what is necessary to complete the contract. Sometimes that is the same as winning the fight... but not always. Begin Operations. The mission and ticket resolution rules allow large and small-scale operations to be quickly resolved. Referees can abstract routine events and shift focus to where the action is hottest. The scalable battle system accounts for force size, tech level, tactics, level of aggression and a host of other factors.Lay Down Some Fire. The expanded combat rules deal with life-or-death situations where suppressing an enemy support weapon, getting a shot on target or achieving an instant knockdown can make all the difference. Weapon design rules allow you to customise weaponry to your unique requirements.Deploy Specialists. Rules for specialist troops cover anti-armour tactics, meteoric assault from orbit, hunting snipers and all manner of other situations the typical band of Travellers will never encounter. An array of specialist equipment is also presented, providing the tools for getting the toughest job done.

Regular price $67.00 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Solomani Front

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Solomani Front

The scene of bitter fighting in the Solomani Rim War, tensions still run high in the Solomani Front. In the Solomani Rim, hard-liners agitate for a campaign to retake Terra from the Imperials whilst dissidents plot secession from the Solomani Confederation. In Alpha Crucis, independent worlds seek to chart their own course despite interference from the Confederation. The Solomani Front is a land of opportunity, lying between the open worlds of the rimward fringe and the vast markets of the Imperium. Cross-border trade and diplomacy form a backdrop for covert operations, intelligence-gathering missions and backstreet skullduggery. With factions pushing their own agendas at the expense of others, the knife and the bomb are tools of diplomacy to many. Under pressure from within and without, the Confederation struggles to maintain its independence and preserve its unique spirit. It is here that the Solomani claim to superiority will be tested; in the crucible of the Solomani Front.Inside you will find: Several new playable alien races, including the Selenites, Aquamorph Humans, Apes, Gurungan and Ladybugs. The Vegans and the Vegan Autonomous District are explored in detail, including Vegan Travellers and a Vegan High Guard expansion. The much-maligned Crusader superheavy tank, the Galvan Corrosive Environment Construction Platform, the Hunterfoils of Bellerophon, the sometimes lethal Torbellino Speeder, and many other vehicles found throughout the Solomani Front.Many new ships found in this region of Charted Space, including the Kestrel Aerospace Fighter, Scorpion Strike Boat, Mountain Logistics Barge, and the Daring Fleet Destroyer. Animals, diseases and other hazards native to the worlds of both the Solomani Rim and Alpha Crucis sectors.

Regular price $52.88 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Deepnight Revelation: Boxed Set

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Deepnight Revelation: Boxed Set

A grand 20 year campaign into deep space, commanding the exploration cruiser Deepnight Revelation. The Deepnight Entity. It was alive when the stars were young. It saw the birth of galaxies, and it will see the death of the universe. It is growth and destruction; menace and saviour. It retreated into a prison of its own making, and there it waits. An exploration ship found the clues, and was destroyed. A researcher touched its mind, and was driven insane. What is it? We must know.Deepnight Revelation. Deepnight Revelation, a former navy cruiser. Outfitted for the most stupendous mission in human history; a one-ship expedition along the Great Rift to the edge of the Spiral Arm. Deepnight Revelation will explore the uncharted systems along its path; contact unknown species and weather unpredictable dangers. At last we will stand before the gates to the Entity's prison and demand entry. We will confront the Deepnight Entity and seek answers.One Ship, Many Stories. There is a place for any Traveller aboard Deepnight Revelation; scientists and explorers, pilots and engineers, diplomats and rogues. There are mysteries to be unravelled, enemies to battle, and situations that require... unconventional... talents. The Travellers can take on any role they please, from humble research assistants to the mission's commanders. The decisions they make will shape the course of the expedition - and perhaps the history of entire species.Deepnight Revelation. A voyage beyond everything we know.

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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Skandervik

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: Skandervik

Skandersvik is a complete campaign for Sword Worlds Travellers. As crewmembers aboard the merchant cruiser Skander they will voyage through Darrian and Five Sisters subsectors, into District 268 and finally home again. There is money to be made and glory to be earned on such an expedition, but it is not without its hazards. Freikorps Skander: An uprising in the outback of Bularia has caused what amounts to a civil war, trapping some of the Travellers' contacts in a combat zone. Although officially prohibited from getting involved, the crew of Skander includes experienced fighters willing to join the fight as a mercenary Freikorps. The Bowman Deception: Following rumours of a downed Sword Worlds ship on Nirton, the Travellers slip through an Imperial blockade to investigate the wreck. There, they find clues as to the fate of the legendary Admiral Denisov. The Lunion Shield: During a transit of the Imperial systems unofficially known as the Lunion Shield Worlds, the Travellers are lured into a trap by devious pirates. Skander is a rich prize, but she may be too tough for the pirates to deal with. Skandersvik provides a background to the mission, the ship and her crew, creating many opportunities for incidents, side trips and mishaps along the way. There is far more to this expedition than trading profits and a payday at the end. There are reputations to be made, hidden agendas to be uncovered and a tricky path to be threaded through the complex cross-border politics of the region.

Regular price $35.31 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: 2300 AD: Project Bayern Boxed Set

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: 2300 AD: Project Bayern Boxed Set

The Pleiades have long been a source of wonder and inspiration to humans who observed them in the fall and winter skies of Earth. Project Bayern provides an immense amount of source material for the 2300AD Referee, detailing the historic flight of the starship Bayern as it leaves human space to cross more than 450 light-years of unexplored territory before reaching the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation of Taurus.This set contains all the data needed to run an ongoing campaign of adventures based around the monumental voyage of the Bayern. Details on the ship and its auxiliary vessels are included to give both Travellers and Referees a full understanding of their limitations and capabilities. Background information on the Astronomischen Rechen-lnstitut will allow the Travellers to identify with the goals of the mission and understand more completely this unique Foundation. Biographical information on the flight crew and heads of the scientific team provides ready-made Travellers or fully developed NPCs. Furthermore, a section on the Pleiades provides astrophysical information on the star cluster.Inside you will find: Book 1: Mission Profile; Book 2: Technical Reference Manual; Book 3: Primary Mission Objectives; Book 4: Secondary Mission Objectives; A giant poster map showing the many decks of the Bayern on one side and a star chart of the Pleiades on the other.

Regular price $80.95 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: 2300AD Aerospace Engineers Handbook

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: 2300AD Aerospace Engineers Handbook

Aerospace engineering is the art and science of designing spacecraft and starships. This practice encompasses a range of craft from sleek surface-to-orbit craft to lumbering bulk carriers, and the aerospace engineer is key to their design. Spacecraft and starships are the lifeblood of exploration and commerce. They are also vital in the defence and acquisition of colony worlds and the economies that rely on them. The stutterwarp drive provides the key to interstellar travel. Rather than taking decades or even centuries to reach the stars, stutterwarp reduces that time to days. The most difficult part remains escaping a planetary gravity well; once in orbit, you are halfway to anywhere. The Aerospace Engineers' Handbook provides everything you need to design not just the ships of human space, but also the vessels of the alien Kaefers, Pentapods, and Sung. It also covers the design of drones, space stations, and alternative means of achieving orbit. Alongside this, there is further information on those living in space, the outsiders who abandoned planets for the stars, along with the major space powers and their fleets. The Aerospace Engineers' Handbook also contains a selection of drones and ships, for Travellers to command, fight, or run away from, with advanced rules for spacecraft combat. Requires the use of the 2300AD box set.

Regular price $44.48 USD
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Mongoose Publishing Role Playing Games Mongoose Publishing Traveller: 2300AD Box Set

Mongoose Publishing Traveller: 2300AD Box Set

Three hundred years from now, humanity is claiming worlds far from Earth. Despite nearly destroying itself in the Twilight War, despite all the wars since, humanity has held on and kept its dream alive. 2300AD is the story of that dream, as humanity reaches for the stars. This is a richly-developed hard science fiction universe, with ships spinning against the night as they are propelled by the stutterwarp drive, a true violation of physics as we know now it. Airships, helicopters and hovercraft are common sights on worlds of the frontier, while spaceplanes and rockets carry explorers and traders to orbit, and from there starships take them across the gulf of space to the colonies. Campaigns in 2300AD range from interstellar exploration and war on the far frontier, building new colonies on hostile worlds, discovering and understanding alien species, and engaging in espionage and crime in the gritty mega-cities of the Core worlds. The 2300AD box set contains: Book 1 Characters & Equipment: Everything you need to create explorers, company agents, military personnel, merchants and other inhabitants of 2300AD. This book also contains a comprehensive equipment guide, personal augmentations, and a selection of robots and drones commonly used in space and on colony worlds. Book 2 The Worlds of 2300AD: An exploration of the universe of 2300AD, from the Core worlds to the furthest colonies. You will learn about the aliens and animals that inhabit them, how humanity has adapted to living on their surfaces, and the most hostile of environmental threats to be found beyond the Earth. Book 3 Vehicles & Spacecraft: A full guide to operating and fighting in spacecraft and vehicles, from humble dirt bikes to powerful spacegoing frigates. There is also a glimpse at the alien spacecraft that have been encountered thus far by humanity. Starchart of Known Space: A massive poster map depicting every star system known to humanity and the routes starships take to each. Requires the Traveller Core Rulebook.

Regular price $80.88 USD
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