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Legendary Games Role Playing Games Legendary Games Aegis of Empires RPG: When Comes the Moon (PF2)

Legendary Games Aegis of Empires RPG: When Comes the Moon (PF2)

Darker than Midnight! Moonlight and Madness! The famed observatory at Asteria Point has long endured upon its mountain heights, yet wars, plagues, and the ravages of time have dimmed its glory to a faint ember kept by a tiny order of faithful monks. When sinister forces stalk the night and even those faithful few begin to disappear, the church sends out a call for heroes to investigate and save this remnant of a wiser and more learned age. Yet all is not as it seems among the high peaks, and secrets grow darker and danger ever deeper with the moons every rising. When Comes the Moon is a Pathfinder Second Edition adventure for 8th-level characters set in Yolbiac Vale, in the Lost Lands Campaign Setting. This rich and exciting world 20 years in the making has been home to dozens of adventures from Necromancer Games and Frog God Games and produced with their cooperation to be compatible with The World of the Lost Lands campaign guide! It is the second of six adventures in the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path, with each adventure exploring hitherto unexplored areas of the Lost Lands with a combination of horror, intrigue, deadly danger, and the lure of ancient mysteries. While designed for use with the Lost Lands, these adventures are loosely connected rather than following a strictly controlled plotline, enabling you to easily place them into any campaign world. Your heroes can explore at their own pace to discover the secrets of antiquity or be consumed in their seeking as they brave the dark paths of the Aegis of Empires. Grab this fantastic 84-page adventure for Pathfinder Second Edition by Matt Goodall today and Make Your Game Legendary!Country of Origin: United States

Regular price $22.60 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.60 USD
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Legendary Games Role Playing Games Legendary Games Aegis of Empires RPG: When Comes the Moon (5E)

Legendary Games Aegis of Empires RPG: When Comes the Moon (5E)

Moonlight and Madness! The famed observatory at Asteria Point has long endured upon its mountain heights, yet wars, plagues, and the ravages of time have dimmed its glory to a faint ember kept by a tiny order of faithful monks. When sinister forces stalk the night and even those faithful few begin to disappear, the church sends out a call for heroes to investigate and save this remnant of a wiser and more learned age. Yet all is not as it seems among the high peaks, and secrets grow darker and danger ever deeper with the moons every rising. When Comes the Moon is a 5E adventure for 8th-level characters set in Yolbiac Vale, in the Lost Lands Campaign Setting. This rich and exciting world 20 years in the making has been home to dozens of adventures from Necromancer Games and Frog God Games and produced with their cooperation to be compatible with The World of the Lost Lands campaign guide! It is the second of six adventures in the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path, with each adventure exploring hitherto unexplored areas of the Lost Lands with a combination of horror, intrigue, deadly danger, and the lure of ancient mysteries. While designed for use with the Lost Lands, these adventures are loosely connected rather than following a strictly controlled plotline, enabling you to easily place them into any campaign world. Your heroes can explore at their own pace to discover the secrets of antiquity or be consumed in their seeking as they brave the dark paths of the Aegis of Empires. Grab this fantastic 84-page adventure for the 5th Edition of the world's most famous RPG by Matt Goodall today and Make Your Game Legendary!Country of Origin: United States

Regular price $22.60 USD
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Legendary Games Role Playing Games Legendary Games D&D 5E: The Dragons Hoard #10

Legendary Games D&D 5E: The Dragons Hoard #10

Magic, Monsters, and More! The Dragon's Hoard is a monthly anthology of magic items, spells, monsters, and more for your 5th Edition campaign! Each issue of The Dragon's Hoard takes every new magic item, spell, monster, or other new rules content from our ongoing Legendary Loot Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/LegendaryLoot) and presents it for you, with dozens of new elements beautifully illustrated and ready to unleash on your players! In this month's features you'll find: The Treasure Trove, featuring magnificent magic items like the holy liberator, crypt warden's plate, drowning rat charm, and crown of iron sorcery! Basker's Books, featuring new spells for almost every 5E spellcaster like awakened from death, sublime detachment, skeleton crew, and hail of needles! Class Acts, featuring new class options for your 5E heroes like the new penumbra sorcerous origin, battle domain, and college of astrology! Marvelous Monsters, featuring killer creatures across every challenge level like the benevolent mix couatl, the sin-eating jarjacha, and the dreadful carreta nagua, the carriage of the dead! Join the Legendary Loot Patreon to get brand-new 5E rules content every single day plus other amazing benefits or pick up The Dragon's Hoard every month and get 26 pages of terrific treasures, terrifying foes, and more to Make Your Game Legendary!

Regular price $12.30 USD
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Legendary Games Role Playing Games Legendary Games D&D 5E: Battlemasters & Berserkers

Legendary Games D&D 5E: Battlemasters & Berserkers

Battlemasters & Berserkers is an incredible class expansion for 5th Edition D&D, bringing you a ton of character options for the fighter and barbarian classes, including new archetypes, backgrounds, primal paths, class-specific magic items, alternate class features, and more. Playing a lord of the battlefield isn't all about rules, though, so you'll also find essays on different ways to role-play your characters for each class, as well as explorations of how these classes might play or feel differently in different genres. 5E is at its heart a fantasy RPG, but its system is amply flexible enough to allow for adventures and even entire campaigns in a variety of milieus, and you'll find a ton of terrific options here for both classes. Inside this amazing class compendium you'll find a wealth of rules expansions for the two fightin'-est classes in the game, including: 14 martial archetypes and barbarian paths like the Chainmaster, Elemental Blade, Ballistic Barbarian, Arcanagoth, and Path of the Destroyer! 10 new backgrounds from High Plains Drifter and Desert Nomad to Arena Fighter and Sea Reaver! 35 feats for offense and defense! Use False Opening and Broken Wing Gambit to trick your enemies, Cartwheel Dodge or Disengaging Flourish to get out of trouble, attack from surprise with Moonlight Stalker and Death from Above or grab on and use Body Shield and Toss Enemy to rule the battlefield! 45 new class alternate class features and rage powers, including barbarian brands, rage powers, and special rules for severing limbs! 45 new weapons like the greatbow, widowmaker axe, and butterfly sword, as well as armor and equipment like the gorget, morbius mail, locked gauntlet, and aeroglass plate! 24 new magic items perfect for fighters and barbarians like the belt of the grizzly, ironstretch buckler, sadistic pauldrons, prismatic plate, and mask of echoing screams! Whether you want to focus on savagery or skill, careful martial training or the power of sheer unbridled rage, you'll find a ton of terrific options in Battlemasters & Berserkers! Buckle up your shield, put on your war face, choose your weapons, and let the battle begin! Grab this spectacular 72-page supplement for 5th Edition and Make Your Game Legendary!

Regular price $20.52 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.52 USD
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Legendary Games Role Playing Games Legendary Games D&D 5E: Ultimate Kingdoms

Legendary Games D&D 5E: Ultimate Kingdoms

It's Good to Be the King! Ultimate Kingdoms takes your 5E campaign beyond dragons and dungeons to gain wealth, power, and influence in your favorite fantasy world! Within this beautiful book you'll find a comprehensive system for founding and ruling a kingdom of your own. Tame the wilderness to establish your cities, filling them with loyal citizens and monuments to your glory, as the cleverness of your edicts and the wisdom of your building decisions combine to create a kingdom that will outlast you. Engage in diplomacy, trade, festivals, espionage, and everything a mighty ruler must manage to keep their nation prosperous and happy. Of course, no kingdom is ever truly safe, and Ultimate Kingdoms provides a detailed yet easy-to-use abstract mass combat system that incorporates battles on land, sea, and air in a single integrated rule set, with flexible tactics, commanders, and both simple and advanced options, alongside bonus rules for sieges, logistics, battlefield terrain and weather, and more! Over and above ruling a kingdom and waging war on a large scale, Ultimate Kingdoms contains expansive rules that can be used in any 5E campaign or adventure, such as: Ships & Sea: Nautical adventures and ship-to-ship combat, with simple and advanced rules as well as fast-play fleet battles, naval siege weapons and special ship modifications, hauling cargo, and seizing plunder! Strongholds: Construct your own buildings and castles, including exotic building materials and magical augmentations, character-level siege weapons, digging in on the battlefield, and exotic strongholds like cloud castles, crystal palaces, bone keeps, and walls of pure necrotic spirit! Factions & Intrigue: Creating guilds, secret societies, and similar factions and organizations, wielding power and influence to shape society! Relationships: Building deep and rich relationships with NPCs, developing your affinities to create life-long friendships, romances, and rivalries! Character Options: New spells, feats, gear, and class features, as well as the brand-new general and hordelord classes! Awesome Extras: Sample kingdoms and organizations and appendices jam-packed with noble titles, troop conversion rules and dozens of sample military troops, mercenary name generator, detailed record sheets for your settlements, kingdoms, and military units!Your characters can become much more than just adventurers with Ultimate Kingdoms, and each subsystem presented here stands easily on its own but also has connections to the other rules in this book. This modular design lets you use any or all of the different parts of this book in your campaign to tailor these options for you and your players. Your heroes have beaten the bandits, overcome the orcish onslaught, and defeated the dragon, but in between their adventures your heroes would rather return home to a mighty throne instead of a warm campfire, now they can with Ultimate Kingdoms! Grab this fantastic 384-page 5th Edition rules expansion today and Make Your Game Legendary!

Regular price $51.54 USD
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Legendary Games Role Playing Games Legendary Games Pathfinder 2E: Aegis of Empires 5: Race for Shataakh-Ulm

Legendary Games Pathfinder 2E: Aegis of Empires 5: Race for Shataakh-Ulm

Into the Endless Wastes! The legendary treasure of the lost Conroi Expedition draws your heroes onwards, but they are not alone in seeking fame and fortune. Factions race across the seemingly endless plains of the Haunted Steppe and must brave its harsh elements, hostile cannibal tribes, and eerie burning undead that crackle with the energies of a forgotten cataclysm. The heroes must piece together the hidden trail left behind a century ago to discover the true prize sought by those ill-fated explorers and must face the rising of an ancient evil from the Lost Lands' past that could arise to threaten every civilized realm. If they want to enjoy their fabled treasure, the heroes first need to survive!Race for Shataakh-Ulm is a Pathfinder Second Edition adventure for 12th-level characters set in the fabled Haunted Steppe in the Lost Lands Campaign Setting. This rich and exciting world 20 years in the making has been home to dozens of adventures from Necromancer Games and Frog God Games and produced with their cooperation to be compatible with The World of the Lost Lands campaign guide! It is the fifth of six adventures in the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path, with each adventure exploring hitherto unexplored areas of the Lost Lands with a combination of horror, intrigue, deadly danger, and the lure of ancient mysteries.While designed for use with the Lost Lands, these adventures are loosely connected rather than following a strictly controlled plotline, enabling you to easily place them into any campaign world. Your heroes can explore at their own pace to discover the secrets of antiquity or be consumed in their seeking as they brave the dark paths of the Aegis of Empires. Grab this fantastic 160-page adventure for Pathfinder Second Edition by Tom Knauss today and Make Your Game Legendary!

Regular price $27.47 USD
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Legendary Games Role Playing Games Legendary Games Legendary Kineticists 2nd Edition

Legendary Games Legendary Kineticists 2nd Edition

Unleash the Elements! The power of to shape the fundamental forces of the universe is yours with the Legendary Kineticist: Second Edition! Feel the power of the planes flowing through you as we bring the fantastic kineticist class to Pathfinder Second Edition! As a kineticist, you infuse your body with elemental energies, directing the powers of the universe at your command. Become a master of aether, air, cold, earth, electricity, water, or fire as you bend the elements to your will and use them against your enemies. Legendary Kineticist: Second Edition brings you not only a full 20-level base class but also over 100 class feats for kineticists across 7 elemental specializations, each with their own unique powers and abilities. Create a stalwart geokineticist with unmatched defensive prowess, blast your enemies to ash as a pyrokineticist, streak across the battlefield around as a bolt of living lightning as an electrokineticist, and more! Learn to wield focused infusions and composite blasts or dabble in the kinetic arts with a complete multiclass archetype. Plus, you'll find three dozen skill feats, backgrounds, and magical items perfect to enhance your kinetic powers! However you specialize, the power is yours! Grab this incredible 48-page character class today for Pathfinder Second Edition and Make Your Game Legendary!

Regular price $14.12 USD
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Legendary Games Role Playing Games Legendary Games D&D 5E: Corrupted Classes

Legendary Games D&D 5E: Corrupted Classes

Valor or Villainy? In the wasted lands where ravening demon hordes and diabolic legions bring wrath and ruin, your DnD 5E heroes and villains must face temptation from the dark powers and choose the path of villainy or the path of light. This capacious codex contains dozens of character options for the heroes and villains of the border wastes where the encroaching power of the nether planes has wracked, warped, and wounded the land itself. In the face of such blights on body, mind, and soul, valiant crusading grail knights face off with nihilistic anarchists, blighted riven mediums, and savage barbarians of the path of blood. Root your heroes and villains in the apocalypse with backgrounds like Accursed and Raised in a Wounded Land and tailor their abilities with feats like Warped Mind, Twisted Flesh, and Apocalyptic Survivor mark those who have lived too long on the fringe of dissolving reality, while Fiendfoes and Sanctified Crusaders empower your champions to face the malevolent minions with their Sorcerous Damnation and Dark Force Adepts! You'll also find over two dozen spells and magic items perfect for either side of a corrupted crusade! Add this 34-page killer collection of class options by Clinton Boomer, Jason Nelson, Carl Cramer, N. Jolly, and Julian Neale to your 5th Edition campaign today and Make Your Game Legendary!

Regular price $15.62 USD
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