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Chaosium, Inc. Role Playing Games Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Solo Adventure: Alone Against the Dark

Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Solo Adventure: Alone Against the Dark

Alone Against The Dark is an adventure for one player, set in the fall of 1931. Your goal is to solve strange disappearances and to forestall a calamity about to beset the world. You will journey from New York City to Greece, Egypt, Germany, and Antarctica.Beginning with the theft of a priceless relic, four friends are drawn one by one into a dark web of mystery and horror. As the darkness grows, only you can hold out against the dying of the light. The fate of the world is in your hands.As Louis Grunewald, a quiet linguistics professor from the Miskatonic University, you will confound the forces of darkness before time runs outbut should Professor Grunewald be eliminated for some reason, you can successively assume the identity of a new investigator. There are four ready-made investigators provided for this purpose, enabling you to take on differing roles as circumstances change in your search for the truth: Louis Grunewald, a linguistics professor from the Miskatonic University, Lydia Lau, a story-seeking reporter for the New York Sun, Devon Wilson, a sailor on leave from the US Navy, and Ernest Holt, a wealthy industrialist.This adventure is guaranteed dangerous. But, no matter how skillfully you avoid death or madness, your investigators will fail if they do not prevent the turning of the world and the freeing of the City of the Old Ones from the ice.Armed with a copy of the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, a pencil, and some roleplaying dice you are all set for the twists and turns of this epic world spanning adventure. Sit back, get comfy, and prepare to be Alone Against The Dark!First released over thirty years ago, this new edition has been completely revised and updated for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, with new illustrations and player aids.

Regular price $16.26 USD
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Chaosium, Inc. Role Playing Games Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Masks Of Nyarlathotep Slipcase Set

Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Masks Of Nyarlathotep Slipcase Set

Slipcase set including two hardcover books and handouts pack.A dire plan has been enacted. If allowed to come to fruition, it threatens to destroy humanity was we know it. But all is not lost. If a few brave souls can uncover and piece together certain information, they might stand against the darkness and prevent the unspeakable from happening.Facing dark cults, strange lore, hideous monsters, and a host of implacable foes, the investigators embark on a journey of discovery to face the ultimate horror. This is their story and yours to tell.Award WinningLong considered to be one of the finest and most engaging roleplaying campaigns ever written, Masks of Nyarlathotep won Best Roleplaying Adventure by the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design.This Call of Cthulhu roleplaying classic is a series of linked adventures forming one unforgettable campaign. Beginning in Peru in 1921, an exciting prologue to the campaign introduces the investigators to Jackson Elias, the charming author whose research uncovers a sinister plot. Ultimately, the investigations follow the trail of the mysterious Carlyle Expedition, picking up clues in New York City in 1925 and then moving overseas to England, Egypt, Kenya, Western Australia, and China. With enemies at every turn, the path is fraught with danger.The Stars Are Right!Masks of Nyarlathotep has been comprehensively revised and updated for use with Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, but may also be run with the Pulp Cthulhu supplement.

Regular price $102.93 USD
Regular price Sale price $102.93 USD
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Chaosium, Inc. Role Playing Games Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Down Darker Trails

Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Down Darker Trails

Saddle up! Get yourself a posse together and have a look-see whats over that hill. Theres strange rumors coming in from the whisperindesert. Youd best put a round in that iron and make haste!Down Darker Trails is a new setting for Call of Cthulhuthe American West of the late 19th century. The era of gold rushes, outlaws and lawmen, discovery and expansion.Rub shoulders with the likes of Wild Bill Hickok, Crazy Horse, and Calamity Jane, while journeying through towns like Deadwood and Dodge Citynames and places that have transcended history to become legend. Down these dark trails the taint of the Cthulhu Mythos stirs, ready to lure the unwary and tempt the power hungry with whispered secrets of cosmic knowledge. This is a West of hidden worlds, lost treasures and cities, dubious deals and unsavory alliances. A land filled with beauty, mystery, terrorand wild adventure!Here you will find the means to create Old West investigators, new occupations, new pulp talents, and new skills. Captured in text and image is the history of the Old West, famous individuals, playing American Indian heroes, notable places and sites, as well as inspiration and guidance on bringing the terrors and mysteries of the Great Old Ones into your games.Two complete towns, the gold-hungry Pawheaton and San Rafael on the Texas border, are fully detailed, providing Keepers with ready-made inhabitants and locales from which to stage campaigns. Four different Lost Worlds are discussed, from the weird subterranean world of Kn-yan to the eerie Shadow Desert.

Regular price $40.34 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.34 USD
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Chaosium, Inc. Role Playing Games Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Doors to Darkness

Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Doors to Darkness

Five new scenarios to introduce new players to Call of Cthulhu.- Darkness Beneathe the Hill: The investigators are contacted by an old associate, about a strange tunnel beneath his cellar.- Genius Loci: All is not well at the Danvers State Hospital. The investigators must seek answers from both the hospital's history and its patients to uncover a dark secret.- Servants of the Lake: In searchign for the missing son of a wealthy banker, the investigators stumble into a dire situation.- Ties that Bind: Strange goings on at a construction site brings the investigators into a family drama and unusual scientific study.- None More Black: The sudden and strange death of a college student leads the investigators into a murky world that lies beneath the everyday life of a town.All of these scenarios have been written with the beginning Keepers and players in mind. Each scenario introduces those new to Call of Cthulhu to roleplaying horror, mystery, investigation, character interactions, monsters, magic, the basics of the Cthulhu Mythos, Sanity point loss, and combat. Furthermore, sprinkled throughout each scenario are Keeper Suggestions on how best to run the adventures, overcome possible obstacles, and generally ensure the most fun for all the players.Ten ready to use investigators are provided, allowing players to get straight into the scenarios with the minimum of fuss.

Regular price $33.38 USD
Regular price Sale price $33.38 USD
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Chaosium, Inc. Role Playing Games Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Adventure: Gateways to Terror

Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Adventure: Gateways to Terror

Gateways to Terror contains three short-play scenarios for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition roleplaying game, ideal for beginners and experienced players and Keepers alike. Originally, all threeThe Necropolis, What's in the Cellar? and The Dead Boarderwere designed as demonstration games to give a taste of the game's core motifsmystery, investigation, and horrorfor those with limited time. The scenarios can be played in as little as one hour but can be expanded for slightly longer play, and each comes with four ready-made investigators so you can jump right into the action! Each scenario includes hints and tips for Keepers new and old, suggestions for additional investigators for larger groups, and a summary of the key rules needed to play.The NecropolisWhat ancient horrors lie slumbering in a newly discovered tomb deep in Egypt's Valley of the Kings? Are you allowing local superstitions and the unfortunate events surrounding the opening of Tutankhamen's tomb to play on your mind as you wait to step down into the darkness...Whats in the Cellar?Did a respected businessman really commit the bloody murder of his beloved wife in the cellar of the family's ancestral holiday cabin? While the body has never been found, it seems like the criminal has been caught. Is a terrible injustice abut to be served? Just what happened in that cellar?The Dead BoarderAnd, what has happened to that nice, quiet neighbor of yours? Youve not seen hide nor hair of him in days! He wasnt always the friendliest of sorts, but he did seem very pious, what with all the late-night prayers coming from his room...Suitable for use with the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set and the Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook. Gateways to Terror provides your next steps into the strange and mystifying worlds of Call of Cthulhu.

Regular price $19.71 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.71 USD
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Chaosium, Inc. Role Playing Games Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Keeper's Decks

Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Keeper's Decks

Four decks of cards for use with the Call of Cthulhu tabletop roleplaying game. Each deck provides the Keeper and players with handy references and information for use in games. Each card is unique and provides detailed information of an in-game artifact, event, or episode of madness, as well as representational artwork or period imagery.The Phobia Deck - 48 cards, each card details the effects and consequences of a phobia, mania, or episode of madness. Keepers may use these cards to advise and guide players on the effects f insanity upon their investigator characters' bouts of madness.The Curious Characters Deck - 48 cards, each providing game characteristics, skills, and backstories for a range of non-player characters who might be encountered during a game of Call of Cthulhu. The characters in this deck also serve to provide ready-made player investigators for those needing a quick replacement character.The Unfortunate Events Deck - 48 cards, with all manner of strange, ill-fated, and disastrous situations that can land the players in deep water in the middle of a Call of Cthulhu game. Each card details an event, situation, or effect that can add drama, intrigue and trouble to the game.The Weapons and Artifacts Deck - 48 cards, each detailing a hand-to-hand, firearm, or Mythos artifact, which may be found during a game. Each card provides statistics and a profile, as well as some historical text about the weapon or artifact described. May be used during games for quick reference.Call of Cthulhu Keepers may use these four card decks to supplement their scenarios: as inspiration when designing new encounters and scenarios, for passing a player a secret or important note during a game, and as a handy and quick way to impart information in the middle of a scenario. Use these card decks to enhance story, advance plot, and to introduce friendly or villainous characters. The decks provide a library of events, items, and characters so that the Keeper is never at a loss when running Call of Cthulhu.

Regular price $29.94 USD
Regular price Sale price $29.94 USD
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Chaosium, Inc. Role Playing Games Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Pulp Cthulhu

Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7E: Pulp Cthulhu

Pulp Cthulhu is a game of two-fisted adventure, weird science, dark deeds, and brave heroes. With this book, some roleplaying dice, and the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, you have everything you need to adventure and explore games set in the pulp genre.Tired of your investigators dying in quick succession when jaunting around the world in a desperate bid to save humanity? Wishing that sometimes your investigator could make a stand instead of hiding and waiting for the eldritch horror to pass? Pulp Cthulhu ups the ante and privides you with tougher, more capable heroes - ready to take on the villainous machinations of the Cthulhu Mythos!Here you will find an adapted character generation system, rules for psychic powers, sanity, augmented skills, and weird science, as well as tips for Keepers on developing and running pulp-style games. Also, you will find information on "the Pulps" themselves adn the 1930s era when America was in the grip of the Great Depression and on the road to World War II. A collection of pulp villains and monsters, and a range of pulp organizations provide the Keeper with a firm basis for running pulp style scenarios and campaigns. Four action-packed scenarios round out the book, getting your Pulp Cthulhu games started with a bang.The guidance in this book means that you can apply the Pulp Cthulhu rules to any setting and time period, enabling Keepers to bring the flavor adn action of pulp to the classic 1920s or modern-day eras, as well as anywhere else they see fit.

Regular price $40.34 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.34 USD
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