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Asmadi Games Non Collectible Card Games Asmadi Games Innovation 3rd Edition: Echoes of the Past

Asmadi Games Innovation 3rd Edition: Echoes of the Past

Innovation: Echoes of the Past is an expansion for Carl Chudyk's Innovation, released in 2010, that mirrors the content of that earlier game as both include 110 cards, 105 cards that are divided into different decks (labeled age 1 to age 10) and five cards that show special achievements that can be claimed.In loose terms, Innovation is a Civilization-style game in which players first have access to low-powered cards in age 1, then build up to more powerful cards in later ages, stacking new acquisitions on old to build the strength of their holdings. Players meld cards, score points and take special actions (called "dogma actions") unique to their cards in play in order to claim achievements. The first player to claim 4-6 achievements, depending on the number of players, wins the game.Innovation: Echoes of the Past changes game play from the base game in a number of ways. First, the number of cards in each age deck is determined by the number of players, instead of being constant. Second, to create the age decks, players shuffle together the cards from the base game and expansion for each age, then deal out the proper number of cards. Third, the maximum player count is increased to five.Fourth, and most interestingly, Innovation: Echoes of the Past introduces new game mechanisms. With foreshadow, a player can stash a card under his player board, then bring it into play (and use it) on a later turn when he melds a card that's from the same age or a higher one. With echo, when a player takes the dogma action of a card in play, he can receive additional actions showing on that card and any other cards visible in the same stack.

Regular price $19.09 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.09 USD
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Asmadi Games Non Collectible Card Games Asmadi Games One Deck Dungeon: Abyssal Depths

Asmadi Games One Deck Dungeon: Abyssal Depths

Dive into the darkened depths of peril with Asmadi Games' latest expansion for One Deck Dungeon: Abyssal Depths. Unveiling a trove of six new Fiend cards and three additional Heroes, this mini-expansion seamlessly integrates with both One Deck Dungeon and its standalone expansion, Forest of Shadows. Prepare for a fresh layer of challenge as the new Fiends introduce novel gameplay mechanics, enriching your dungeon-crawling experience with strategic depth. In Abyssal Depths, players face a myriad of tactical choices as they navigate through the treacherous depths, confronting daunting foes and uncovering hidden treasures. With its direct-to-retail release and an affordable suggested retail price of $8, this expansion offers an enticing proposition for both seasoned adventurers and newcomers alike. Packaged in an attractive finseal pack, Abyssal Depths seamlessly integrates into the core game's box, requiring no additional storage. Embark on a new journey into darkness and test your mettle against the abyssal perils that await! Expand your gaming horizons and plunge deeper into the abyss with Abyssal Depths, the expansion that adds an extra layer of excitement to your One Deck Dungeon experience. With the addition of six fearsome Fiend cards and three courageous Heroes, the gameplay becomes even more diverse and challenging. Explore new strategic possibilities as you face off against these formidable foes, each with their own unique abilities and traits. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of One Deck Dungeon, Abyssal Depths promises hours of thrilling gameplay and endless adventure. So gather your party, sharpen your swords, and prepare to descend into the darkness once more. The abyss awaits!

Regular price $10.38 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.38 USD
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Asmadi Games Non Collectible Card Games Asmadi Games One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows

Asmadi Games One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows

One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows Expansion builds upon the success of its predecessor, One Deck Dungeon, offering a thrilling standalone experience that plunges players into the depths of a mysterious forest teeming with danger. Drawing inspiration from the captivating world of roguelike video games, Forest of Shadows challenges adventurers to test their wits and courage against ever more formidable foes, with each delve into the unknown presenting new and exciting challenges. With its intuitive dice mechanics and thematic skills and abilities, Forest of Shadows is incredibly accessible, making it a perfect choice for both seasoned gamers and newcomers alike. Whether playing solo or teaming up with a friend in the cooperative 1-2 player mode, every session promises an immersive and unforgettable experience. Continuing the tradition of its predecessor, Forest of Shadows features a diverse cast of heroes, with all six characters depicted as realistically-clad women. This commitment to inclusive representation adds depth and richness to the game's narrative, ensuring that players from all walks of life feel seen and empowered. From its captivating artwork to its engaging gameplay, Forest of One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows delivers endless hours of excitement and adventure. So gather your party and prepare to brave the shadows - the forest awaits!

Regular price $23.03 USD
Regular price Sale price $23.03 USD
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Asmadi Games Non Collectible Card Games Asmadi Games One Deck Dungeon

Asmadi Games One Deck Dungeon

Asmadi Games One Deck Dungeon masterfully brings the exhilarating essence of roguelike video games to the tabletop realm. Set in the perilous depths of dungeons, players must survive against escalating challenges, making each game session a unique and thrilling experience. The streamlined design offers accessible gameplay driven by intuitive dice mechanics and thematic skills and abilities, making it easy for new players to learn while providing depth for seasoned adventurers. Whether braving the labyrinthine corridors solo or forming a dynamic duo, players can immerse themselves in a thrilling adventure filled with strategic decisions and heart-pounding encounters. Each choice you make—from selecting your hero and managing resources to engaging in combat and leveling up your abilities—carries significant weight, ensuring that every delve into the One Deck Dungeon is a pulse-pounding journey through danger and daring. Asmadi Games crafts an immersive experience where the compact and portable design allows for gameplay anytime and anywhere. With package dimensions of 6.0" L x 3.675" W x 1.0" H and a weight of just 1.0 lbs, One Deck Dungeon is perfect for gaming on the go. Manufactured in China, the game's high-quality components ensure durability and a premium feel during your adventures. In summary, Asmadi Games One Deck Dungeon offers a compelling mix of strategy, risk, and reward, providing hours of entertainment and a deep sense of accomplishment with each victory. Dive into the dungeon and see if you have what it takes to emerge victorious.

Regular price $23.54 USD
Regular price Sale price $23.54 USD
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