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Gmt Games Plantagenet - Lost City Toys

Gmt Games Plantagenet

England, 1459. The son of the great Henry V has not lived to fill his father's shoes. England has lost the Hundred Years War, and mighty lords amass lands and wealth rivaling the King's own. Henry IV left the door open for any such powerful lord with good pedigree to reach for the throne, and the best candidate is Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York.Mounting tension over the Crown leads to armed clashes, under the excuse of freeing the king from his evil counsellors, and finally ignites the Wars of the Roses that William Shakespeare would immortalize in his plays: A Yorkist rebellion that succeeds in placing Edward IV on the throne and exiling the Lancastrians to Scotland and France. A civil war pitting Warwick the Kingmaker and King Edward's brother Clarence against the King and his other brother Richard Gloucester. The reinstatement for a few months of Henry VI and the invasion from France by his son and wife leading to a final contest between Richard III and Henry Tudor (later known as Henry VII) and the Battle of Bosworth that ends the Plantagenet dynasty. Treason, bravery, political maneuver, and a cast of memorable characters mark one of the most intense and divided periods of English history. In Plantagenet‚�the newest volume in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign Series‚�players lead one of the two factions across the three main periods of war, as individual scenarios or the entire Wars of the Roses. Designer Francisco Gradaille adds overall and local political influence to Volko's medieval operation system to reflect the ever-changing loyalties of the time while keeping play familiar to fans of the Series. Players will create and maintain a network of allied lords and nobles in order to obtain the provender and coin needed to supply and pay their armies. As ravaging and looting will damage each side's reputation, each faction will strive to convince cites to join its side. Great battles will seek to kill or capture enemy lords‚�perhaps even a king. Two kinds of operational moves will be in play: the military and the political.In the end, when the dust settles and all arrows have flown, one rose will sit on the throne. White or Red, York or Lancaster, gather your troops and banners and join the fight.Country of Origin: United States

Regular price $75.71 USD
Regular price Sale price $75.71 USD
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Gmt Games 18 India - Lost City Toys

Gmt Games 18 India

India's railroad history began in 1837 when The Red Hill Railway used the country's first steam-powered locomotive to carry stone for road work to Madras, modern day Chennai. In 1845, India's first railway was incorporated, the Madras Railway. Sixteen years later, on a warm April day in 1853, a 14-carriage train carrying 400 passengers was hauled 21 miles by three steam locomotives - the Sahib, Sindh, and Sultan - and passenger railway service was thus initiated in India. From there, as they say, the rest is history, and India today has the world's fourth largest railway network. 18 India is an operational railroad game for 2 to 5 people that plays in about 3 hours. The game is inspired by 1829 Mainline by Francis Tresham, and while the venerable Mr. Tresham created some novel mechanics for that game, many of them are not ideal for players that eschew in-game randomness. In 18 India, those random elements are transformed into an amazing level of pre-game variability, which gives each session of the game a different character. Critically, 18 India causes players to think differently about 18XX standards such as train management and investments. The mechanics in 18 India include: track gauge changes, "Guarantee Companies", competition for commodity contracts, shares with exclusive rights to purchase, train trade-ins, a unique IPO display, and all track upgrades being available from the beginning of the game. By the way, trains do not rust, but there is certainly still a "train rush"!18 India offers excellent game play variability. Each session features a different mix of companies that are in play leading to variations in route development, company creation, and investment strategies.At game's end, each player's net worth - the value of their stock portfolio, factoring in the book value of the companies, and their cash - is their final score. The player with the most wealth wins.Country of Origin: United States

Regular price $75.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $75.00 USD
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GMT Games Under the Southern Cross - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Under the Southern Cross

Under the Southern Cross: The South American Republics in the Age of Fighting Sail is the fourth volume of the highly regarded Flying Colors series of games on naval combat. The focus is on the southern part of the South American continent: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, from the Wars of Independence starting in 1810 through the last naval war fought completely under sail between Argentina and Uruguay in 1841. These wars attracted naval officers recently unemployed by the end of the Napoleonic Wars as well as providing a proving ground for the first generation of naval heroes native to Latin America. Updated rules introduce river and tidal currents, modified grounding rules for operations in the Rio de la Plata and Uruguay rivers, and the use of ship's boats to tow stranded or becalmed ships. In all, over two dozen battle scenarios ranging in size from a handful of ships per side, to full-blown fleet actions are presented. Also included is the return of the popular ship duel map and activation cards originally found in Serpents of the Seas (Flying Colors volume II), along with 18 ship duel scenarios. Like the preceding volumes in the series, Under the Southern Cross is completely independent of, while being fully compatible with, the other volumes in the series. Everything needed to play is included! Can you, as the Spanish, strangle the rebel American governments and preserve the centuries old Spanish Empire, or will you help the Patriot forces throw off the Imperialist yoke of the European monarchies? Now you can try with Under the Southern Cross!1-4 playersAges 12+150-480 minute play timeContents:1 Rulebook1 Playbook1 Player Aid Chart1 Deck of 55 Action Cards2 22 x 34" Maps2 Counter Sheets2 10-sided dice

Regular price $53.83 USD
Regular price Sale price $53.83 USD
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GMT Games Seas of Thunder - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Seas of Thunder

World War 2 was the largest and most violent extended naval war in history. From September 1939 until the surrender of Japan, the high seas were a global battle zone filled with mighty battleships, nimble cruisers, silent hunters, and flat-tops bristling with planes. Before our eyes, we witnessed the changing of warfare on the high seas as the thunderous old guard fell to air power and submarine Raiders prowled the open waters and the carrier showed its true diversity and adaptability.Seas of Thunder not only allows players to re-create the Atlantic or Pacific theaters of the war but to see how challenging the entire picture was for their leaders. How do you protect a globe from German raiders? How desperate was it for Britain when France fell and they were left to fight Germany and Italy alone on the high seas? What is the right balance for the Soviet fleet split between four distinct fronts (Baltic, Black Sea, Arctic, and Pacific)? If the Mediterranean force weakens for the allies, from where do they draw ships? Does Japan strike quickly or play for attrition when they arrive on the halfway point? Will America fight in two fronts, three, or four?In Seas of Thunder, players will experience the tension of too much sea to cover with too few ships, the frustration of being caught unprepared, or the intensity of a vital stand contesting a high-value sea area. Victory is neither sudden nor guaranteed. In each battle, a flight of Catalinas, the lack of ASW, the improper distribution of air power, or even a missing minesweeper could be the difference between success or failure.Seas of Thunder is every bit a full-force strategic-level representation of the conflict on the high seas during World War 2. Players have to manage a global disposition of their warships with frequently too much ocean to cover and not nearly enough ships to cover it.Each nation has access to the historical ships that sailed in the conflict. Each country's fleets have advantages and disadvantages that are unique to them.2-8 playersAges 14+180-3600 minute play timeContents:Seas of Thunder may not have every ship in the conflict, but it has the ones you know.1 Mounted Map (Double-Sided with pre-Pearl Harbor scoring on one side and post-Pearl Harbor scoring on the other)1200+ Combat Ship counters (Capital ships down to Destroyer Squadrons, Submarine Grops, and Mine-sweeping Flotillas)132 Convoy & Utility counters14 Port Cards (1 per side for each of 7 scenarios)Combat Sequence Cards for tracking combatPlus sundry dice, rules, scenario details...the usual

Regular price $58.43 USD
Regular price Sale price $58.43 USD
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GMT Games Clash of Sovereigns - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Clash of Sovereigns

December 1740: Young King Frederick II leads the army of upstart Prussia in a surprise invasion of Austrian Silesia. He hopes for an easy conquest of the rich province at a time when the Austrian Empire appears vulnerable following the death of Charles VI, King of Austria and Holy Roman Emperor. But despite internal opposition to the 'Pragmatic Sanction' that allowed a woman to inherit the throne, Austria's new Queen, Maria Theresa, is cowed neither by Frederick, nor by France's scheme to place a Bavarian puppet candidate on the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, nor by Spanish designs on Austria's holdings in Italy. Amid these conflicting dynastic ambitions, Frederick's local territorial coup proves to be only the opening act in a major European war that none of the great powers had anticipated - but all wished to profit from. It would ultimately span eight years and half the globe.Clash of Sovereigns (COS), GMT's 2-4 player card-driven game of the War of the Austrian Succession, has been 9 years in the making. It is a free-wheeling, faster-playing, stream-lined "nephew" of the widely-regarded Clash of Monarchs (COM).Contents:1 22" x 34" mounted map150 Strategy cards10 Day of Battle Cards350 10/16-inch counters120 1/2-inch markers4 8-1/2" x 11" Player Aid cards4 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" Power Mats1 24-page Rule Book1 20-page Play Book2 six-sided dice

Regular price $58.87 USD
Regular price Sale price $58.87 USD
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GMT Games The Barracks Emperors - Lost City Toys

GMT Games The Barracks Emperors

The Barracks Emperors is a strategy card game set against the backdrop of the Roman Crisis of the Third Century, during which at least 45 different men made a claim to the throne of the Roman Empire. In this game, 1-4 players represent prominent political factions attempting to gain control over the men who would be Emperors of Rome. Players deploy the influence available to them (represented by the cards in their hands) to claim imperial reigns (represented by the historical Emperor cards arrayed on the board.) But they must be very careful, because politics is a complex game, and sometimes attempting to exert your influence necessitates aiding someone else in their own plots. Play your cards cleverly to capture Emperors and score the most points to win.At its heart, The Barracks Emperors is a trick-taking game, but not one like you've ever seen before. In this innovative design, all 13 tricks are available for play simultaneously, in an interlocking grid that forces you to balance the value of every card you play against the value that same card may have for another player on a different trick. Plus, every card grants you an additional special ability that you might be able to use to spring a surprise on your unwitting opponents.Features historical emperors, co-emperors, pretenders, and even Gallic Emperors who broke away from Rome during the Crisis of the Third Century are all represented as individual cards in the game, each with interesting facts about the rise and demise of the man depicted.For fans of Time of Crisis and The Age of Iron and Rust, you will find some of the concepts and flavor from that deck-building wargame, adapted in this all new standalone game. You don't need Time of Crisis to play The Barracks Emperors, but you'll recognize Influence Cards such as Praetorian Guard, Foederati, and Pretender, now used in an entirely new way.An innovative card drafting mechanic adds an extra layer of strategy to how you play your cards while also mitigating the luck that would come with being dealt a full hand of cards at the start of each round.This game is designed for 4 players, but also includes options for 2 or 3 players, plus an easy-to-play solitaire adaptation for the solo player.1-4 players30-120 minute play timeContents:114 2.75" x 2.75" cards22" x 34" mounted game board6 +1/+2 markers (2 each of Red, Blue, and Yellow)20 page rule book

Regular price $45.81 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.81 USD
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GMT Games The Border Reivers - Lost City Toys

GMT Games The Border Reivers

For two hundred years, war waged back and forth across the border between England and Scotland. By 1482, the unfortunate town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, once the richest port town in Scotland, had changed hands thirteen times. By the time Henry VIII ascended the throne of England in 1509, the fifty-mile-wide stretch of rolling hills and stunning vistas that straddle the border had seen decades of hardship and atrocity.Yet still the hardy families living on these frontier lands persevered. Unable to count on crops surviving until the harvest, they subsisted primarily on the livestock they could shepherd in the fields near their homesteads. When supplies ran low, raiding to steal what they needed from their neighbors was often the answer. Raids were often carefully planned operations with several border families uniting to steal livestock from a common foe in the dead of night. Cattle and sheep were the likely targets, often with hundreds of these creatures being stolen in a single raid. The reiver's goal was to herd their quarry to safety before the retaliatory "hot trod" pursuit could catch up and force an engagement.To combat this constant hostility, England and Scotland established the system of March Law. Each nation divided its border lands into an East, Middle, and West March with each of these six territories administered by a Warden responsible for keeping the peace. The Wardens were drawn from the most powerful families on the Borders, clans of great renown that could put upwards of a thousand men in the saddle in times of need. The March Law would have succeeded too, but for the fact that these same great families were usually the ones best equipped and most inclined to raid their neighbors.In Border Reivers, each player rules over one of the Marches as leader of one of the six major riding families of the border: Grey, Fenwick, Dacre, Maxwell, Kerr, or Hume. Your goal is to increase the wealth and fame of your clan throughout the reigns of Henry and Elizabeth to end the century as the most famous Border Reiver of all time. Players gain VPs from successful combats, amassing large herds of livestock, and by elevating their Notoriety above the other players in the regions of the map.1-6 playersAges 12+120-180 minute play timeContents:22 x 34" Mounted Map126 Main Deck Cards60 Mini-Deck Cards90 Wooden Cubes54 Wooden Sheep Meeples48 Wooden Horse Meeples2 CountersheetsRulebookBook of Historical Notes12 Cardstock Player Sheets and Charts20 six-sided dice

Regular price $75.71 USD
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GMT Games People Power - Lost City Toys

GMT Games People Power

People Power: Insurgency in the Philippines, 1983-1986 is volume XI of the highly-praised and popular COIN series originally designed by Volko Ruhnke. This is one of only two games in the COIN series that feature three separate factions, instead of the customary four.The first faction is the Government, symbolized by the personal rule of Ferdinand Marcos, his wife Imelda, and his political cronies and military forces. Second are the Insurgents, split into two blocs - the communist New People's Army (or NPA) and the Moro National Liberation Front (or MNLF but more commonly referred to as Moros). The NPA sought a national uprising from both the urban and rural populace, while the Moros wanted a separate nation founded on Islamic autonomy. The third and final faction is the non-violent Reformers, embodied by Aquino's widow, Corazon. She, along with her allies and supporters in that moment of tragedy, revived a platform of social justice and unrelenting momentum that would irrevocably change the Philippine political landscape immeasurably.For players new to the COIN Series, or for those looking to teach the the series to their friends, People Power will serve as an excellent introductory game. It was designed for simplicity and quick play, utilizing many of the basic COIN Series mechanics. The 22" x 17" map aids in introducing the game to a new player, as it presents only two types of terrain - Cities and Countrysides (where the latter amalgamates the rural settings of the island nation as well as much lightly-habitable terrain of jungles and mountains). Don't let the fast play and basic systems fool you, though. There are still plenty of strategic puzzles and inter-player backstabbing to be had! Also, People Power includes a new feature for the COIN Series - a Key Personality mini-hand procedure that represents the effectiveness of various generals and power brokers adding a new dimension to player actions and decisions.1-3 players90-120 minute play timeContents:17 x 22 inch mounted mapboardOne Event DeckCard-Driven Solo-System Deck79 Wooden Pieces12 pawnsOne full-size, full-color counter sheetRules of Play bookletPlaybook bookletThree 6-sided diceThree foldout play aid sheets

Regular price $60.94 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.94 USD
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GMT Games Inferno - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Inferno

Tuscany, 1259. As wealth from crafts and foreign trade elevated northern Italy's urban families above the landed lords, rivalries within and among their cities hardened into conflict between two great parties. Ghibellines aligned with the Hohenstaufen imperial dynasty that ostensibly ruled Italy, while Guelphs backed rival imperial claimants and the greatest challenger to each Emperor's authority, the Pope. Should any faction gain advantage, others coalesced to resist.The comuni (republics) of Firenze (Florence) and Siena dominated inland Tuscany at the head of these competing alliances. As Guelphs sealed their control of the populous Firenze, Ghibelline Siena turned to Hohenstaufen King Manfredi of Sicily for reinforcement. Local rebellions and reprisals escalated on each side, as political exiles stirred the pot. After Manfredi dispatched German knights to protect his loyal Tuscans, Firenze mustered its people and allies to march on Siena, which responded with its own great army. Pisa and Lucca, Lombardia and Orvieto joined in. Guelph and Ghibelline in September 1260 at last faced off en masse in the center of Tuscany, at Montaperti-the result, a bloody Florentine defeat. But when Ghibelline exiles returned as masters of Firenze, its Guelphs rallied to Lucca and Arezzo, portending an eternal conflagration.Inferno-the third volume in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign Series-fires up the cauldron 13th-Century Tuscan warfare, factional conflict fueled by the gold florins and teeming populations of up-and-coming cities and well-to-do valleys. Expert Italian wargame designer Enrico Acerbi brings the age to life within Volko's accessible medieval-operation system. Gathering transport and provender may not be as much the challenge here as the sudden treachery of rebel towns and castles along key roads. Italy's plundering berrovieri horsemen, famed elite crossbowmen, and distinctive palvesari shield bearers are just a few of the unique inhabitants of this volume. Muster, mount up, and find out whose blood will make the Arbia run red!Contents:1 17x22 inch Mounted Map175 Wooden pieces106 Playing Cards3 full-color Countersheets15 cardboard Lord and Battle mats1 Lords sticker sheet4 Player Aid sheets2 ScreensRules BookletBackground Booklet6 6-sided dice

Regular price $79.91 USD
Regular price Sale price $79.91 USD
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GMT Games Banish the Snakes - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Banish the Snakes

Legend has it that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. True, there are no snakes anywhere on the island- but there have been none since before the last Ice Age! The legend is actually an allegory about his successes in converting Ireland to Christianity.Banish the Snakes is a solitaire and/or cooperative game that simulates Ireland in the 5th century, while the Roman Empire was collapsing in the west and Ireland was turning to the Christian religion. Players represent Saints- Patrick and others (up to six of you) who set out to convert the pagans on the island. You must work as a team to convert the people of Ireland before the barbarians completely overwhelm Britain- if you fail, the Irish will not be able to save Civilization in the following centuries!The game board shows a map of Ireland in the 5th century, with four Provinces-the same as today- but no counties yet. Wooden tiles represent the People, Druids, Chiefs, and Kings, and of course the High King at Tara. It is your job to break into the interrelated influences between these groups of people and get your new ideas accepted.Each turn a card is drawn, throwing new challenges at your team. The severity of the event is determined by the previous card, and so no two games can ever play the same. The cards introduce events and ideas of the time, new saints, and historic figures- like Neil of the Nine Hostages.There is a diagram of Great Britain to keep track of the steady decline of Roman civilization in Great Britain. As different parts of Britain succumb to the barbarians, more and more difficult challenges are added to the deck, until finally Britain is completely overwhelmed, cutting off Ireland from the continent and ending the game.If you succeed in your endeavor, Christianity will thrive in Ireland, while paganism overruns Western Europe. The arts, writing, literature and history will flourish on the Emerald Isle! Soon, Irish missionaries will bring these civilizing attributes back to Great Britain and mainland Europe- as Thomas Cahill says in his book, the Irish will save Civilization. But if you fail...Contents:22 x 25" Mounted Mapboard156 Wooden Blocks85 Playing Cards2 Label Sheets8 Player Aid Cards/Play MatsSix-sided die

Regular price $53.02 USD
Regular price Sale price $53.02 USD
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GMT Games Last Hundred Yards: Mission Pack #2 - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Last Hundred Yards: Mission Pack #2

The Last Hundred Yards Mission Pack #1 builds on Volumes I and II focused on the Allied campaigns in Western Europe. The Pack contains ten Missions that occurred in 1944 during the Normandy pre-breakout and breakout phases in July/August, the Hurtgen forest in November, and the Battle of the Bulge in December.Join the 2nd Division's 23rd infantry regiment and experience what Allied soldiers termed "Hedgerow Hell" as it drives through "Purple Heart Draw" to take Hill 192 against the 3rd FJ regiment. The overall goal was to cut the St. Lo-Bayeux highway, a task that was critical for protecting the east flank of the 3rd Army's breakout from Normandy along the west coast.Follow units of Patton's 3rd Army's breakout that ultimately encircled the German 7th Army and led to its destruction in the Falaise Pocket. These Missions range from crossing key water barriers, forming bridgeheads, and seizing key crossroads to eliminating fortified positions.Finally, see if you can do better with outnumbered Allied troops who were tasked with taking or holding, what seemed to them, pointless objectives during the Hurtgen Forest and the opening stages of the Battle of the Bulge campaigns.This volume introduces new weapons and terrain including Rhino tanks, hedgerows, and sunken roads. Each mission provides challenges with different elements, forces, and situations, making this volume an exciting addition to The Last Hundred Yards Series.

Regular price $16.25 USD
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GMT Games Musket and Pike Dual - Pack - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Musket and Pike Dual-Pack

This Accursed Civil War and Sweden Fights On are being offered on P500 as a two-pack. Eleven, yes ELEVEN battles in one box! The award-winning Musket & Pike Battle Series was launched in 2002 with This Accursed Civil War and followed with Sweden Fights On within a year. Both have been out of print for over a decade. The series has marched on with four more installments and has attracted many new players. So now we are making the first two games available again in a new, updated dual package. In one box, you will get the first two volumes of the MPBS including:- Two additional battles for "This Accursed Civil War:" Cheriton 1644 and Cropredy Bridge 1644. Both battles were in Ben's original Desk Top Published version, with Cheriton 1644 appearing later in C3i. The Edgehill 1642 variant from Gustav Adolf the Great will be included as well.- For all battles, infantry and cavalry units will not be shared between battles for ease of setup and storage.- The battle specific cards introduced in Saints in Armor with be provided with Turn Track, Victory Conditions, Dead and Pursuit boxes to improve their utility (5 back printed cards)- The This Accursed Civil War Playbook will be brought up to the current series standard for ease of use.- Orders of battle and maps will be updated to reflect the latest scholarship.- Last but not least: the counters will feature formation icons requested by so many players over the years!

Regular price $65.64 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.64 USD
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GMT Games Twilight Struggle: Red Sea - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Twilight Struggle: Red Sea

Twilight Struggle: Red Sea - Conflict in the Horn of Africa is a two-player, stand-alone, card-driven game that builds on the award-winning Twilight Struggle. The year is 1974, and the Soviet Union and the United States have been locked in a life-or-death struggle across the globe. As so often happened during the Cold War, a relatively obscure region of the world suddenly took center stage. Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, a bedrock U.S. ally in Africa, had grown old and increasingly dictatorial. In 1974, a group of young Marxist officers staged a coup and took hold of the the reins of power. This revolutionary leadership sparked a chain of events that upset the regional balance of power and unleashed all the familiar elements of Cold War competition in the Horn of Africa.Twilight Struggle: Red Sea asks players to once more answer the summons of the trumpets and bear the burden of a twilight struggle, this time centered around East Africa, the Arabian Gulf, and the vital sea lanes stretching between them. Twilight Struggle: Red Sea is an addition to GMT's Lunchtime Series and packs deep decision-making into a time frame that allows players to get in a quick game or explore different strategies several times in one session. With a more limited scope and much shorter playtime, Twilight Struggle: Red Sea is the perfect way to introduce new players to the Twilight Struggle system. And yet, this game maintains all the tension, decision making, and theme of the original classic. As an added bonus for a longer game, cards from Twilight Struggle can be integrated in TS: Red Sea and players can add new decisions and Cold War events to their games of Twilight Struggle by incorporating cards from TS: Red Sea.

Regular price $37.28 USD
Regular price Sale price $37.28 USD
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GMT Games CDG Solitaire System - Lost City Toys

GMT Games CDG Solitaire System

The CDG Solo System plays alongside your favorite CDG and is designed to enhance your solitaire experience by reintroducing many of the best parts of wargaming that fall apart in standard two-handed play, namely, as Stuka Joe mentioned above, the narrative flow and the fog of war. The CDG Solo System includes two Card Displays that are used to manage each side's hand of strategy cards. At the beginning of each Side's turn, you will roll a Fate Die to determine which of the cards in one or more of the slots are available for play. Typically 2 or 3 cards are available at a time, but the final decision is ultimately yours. After a card is played, the marker on the Cards Remaining track slides one spot to the left, and then it's time to roll the die for the other side's turn. Because the turn to turn maintenance level is so low, the rhythm of play quickly becomes second nature and allows for the game to shine. The combination play between the roll of the Fate Die and the layout of the Card Displays provides many great benefits for Solitaire CDG players. First, the singular die roll provides a nearly instantaneous result that limits the player's options so a decision can be made quickly for each side. Second, because cards are only turned face-up when their lettered slot is rolled, the player doesn't know all of the cards that will be available for each side. This combined with the Fate Die dictating which slots are available each turn effectively reinstates a reasonable degree of uncertainty and allows the player to focus on the options for the active side, instead of falling victim to the mental strain of trying to take every card into consideration while also pretending to not know what the other side is planning to do. Finally, the system allows for an element of surprise. Every once in a while, the perfect strategy hangs in the balance as the die rolls. Whether things look grim (until the die roll flips the perfect card) or everything feels like it's falling perfectly in line (until the card slot you need isn't rolled), the CDG Solo System reintroduces the fog of war to solitaire CDG wargaming. The moments that don't go as planned make for the best stories.

Regular price $20.14 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.14 USD
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GMT Games Great Battles of Julius Caesar Deluxe - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Great Battles of Julius Caesar Deluxe

GMT are proud to bring back in print two classic Great Battles of History titles in a deluxe treatment. Great Battles of Julius Caesar combines Caesar: The Civil Wars, published in 1994, and Caesar: Conquest of Gaul, published in 1996 and reprinted in 2006, into a single package along with the battles that were published as separate modules.Great Battles of Julius Caesar will have a single rulebook brought up to the production standards of the latest GBoH titles, written so that all the land battles in the original games can be played from single rule book. The one naval battle has its own rule book.The scenario book features 20 battles presented in a chronological order that traces the evolution of the Roman military system from early battles against various foreign foes, Caesar's wars in Gaul followed by Caesar's wars against his Roman rivals, and culminating with the Roman invasion of Britain a century later.Complete list of games/modules and where the battle appeared:Rise of the Roman Warlords - Marius and SullaCirta 106 BCE (Jugurtha)Vercellae 101 BCE (Dictator)Chaeronea 86 BCE (Dictator)Caesar's Gallic WarsBibracte 58 BCE (COG) The Rhine 58 BCE (COG)The Sabis 57 BCE (COG)Bay of Biscay 56 BCE (COG)Britannia 55 BCE (COG)Lutetia 52 BCE (COG) Gergovia 52 BCE (Gergovia)Caesar's Civil WarsDyrrachium 48 BCE (TCW)Lesnikia 48 BCE (TCW)Pharsalus 48 BCE (TCW)Nicopolis 48 BCE (Veni, Vidi, Vici)Zela 47 BCE (Veni, Vidi, Vici)Ruspina 46 BCE (TCW)Thapsus 46 BCE (TCW)Munda 45 BCE (TCW) Roman Conquest of Britannia The Medway 43 CE (Caratacus)Wales 51 CE (Caratacus)

Regular price $93.65 USD
Regular price Sale price $93.65 USD
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GMT Games Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign Expansion - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign Expansion

The 9th Infantry Regiment "Manchus," 2nd Infantry Division faced three weeks of intense combat from December 13th, 1944 to January 8th, 1945 as part of the Battle of the Bulge. This campaign covers those critical days. The Campaign consists of seven new missions featuring a new Terrain Deck for the forests, fields, and villages of the Ardennes. The counter sheet includes a U.S. heavy machine gun platoon, Bangalore torpedoes, anti-tank mines, wire entanglements, German tanks, assault guns, Panzergrenadiers, and Volksgrenadiers.We left the "Manchus" of World War Two in Fields of Fire: Volume I at the close of the Normandy Campaign. The 2nd Infantry Division was rapidly moved to join the assault on the port city of Brest, in Brittany. The city was captured after heavy fighting from August 21st to September 18th. By that time, the German resistance elsewhere in France had collapsed, and the 2nd Infantry Division raced to Paris, arriving on September 29th. The rapid advance ended on October 4th when the Division entered the region just east of St. Vith, Belgium called the Schnee Eifel on the highly symbolic German border. The 2nd Infantry Division relieved the 4th and 28th Infantry Divisions, completing the relief on October 5th. Ahead lay the German border, defended by the Siegfried Line cutting across difficult terrain.The "Manchus" were able to incorporate replacements and prepare for whatever would come next throughout October and November. This period saw frequent patrol activity but no major combat actions. On December 10th, the 2nd Infantry Division began a relief in place by the 106th Infantry Division. By the 11th, the relief was complete, and the Division gathered at Camp Elsenborn to prepare for the renewed offensive. The attack north through the Siegfried line would commence on December 13th.Important Note: Fields of Fire Volume I, either first or second edition is required to play this expansion.

Regular price $24.98 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.98 USD
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GMT Games Into the Woods - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Into the Woods

Into the Woods: the Battle of Shiloh is the eighth installment of the Great Battles of the American Civil War (GBACW) series, published by GMT Games.The Great Battles of the American Civil War Series:This series is one of the hobby's longest-lived design concepts, springing from the legendary regimental level Gettysburg game - Terrible Swift Sword (SPI) - designed by Richard Berg in 1976. Under GMT, the rules system has remained stable, but has shown remarkable flexibility to allow each game to smoothly incorporate additional rules to reflect the historical battles. The series relies on interactive chit-pull mechanics to simulate the often chaotic nature of the 19th Century battlefield at the regimental level.The Game:Into the Woods: the Battle of Shiloh includes ten scenarios. They range from division level contests on half sized maps to two-map battles depicting both the first and second day of the struggle. Experienced players will be able to play many of the scenarios in one sitting. The game reflects the Confederate surprise, the "greenness" of many units on both sides, as well as the unique role Albert Sidney Johnston played in the Confederate attack.TIME SCALE: Each Turn = 1 HourMAP SCALE: 110 Yards Per Hex with 20-Foot ElevationsUNIT SCALE: 50 Men or 1 Cannon per Strength Point Contents:1120 counters2 22" x 34" double-sided maps1 GBACW series rules booklet1 Battle booklet2 Activation and Turn Record charts2 Player Aid Cards2 Terrain Effects Charts2 2nd Disorder Charts2 10-sided dice (blue and grey)

Regular price $53.02 USD
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GMT Games Viet Nam 1965 - 1975 - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Viet Nam 1965-1975

"This simulation game re-creates the longest, most complex, and least understood conflict in US history in all of its military and political aspects. The rules include detailed treatment of movement, terrain, search and destroy operations, special operations, firepower, airmobility, riverines, brigade-level formations, limited intelligence, and auxiliary units in each scenario..." That's the blurb from the back of the original Victory Games edition of the game. This game has long occupied the top spot in many gamers' lists of favorite Vietnam games. GMT Games is excited about the opportunity to get a new version of this classic back into print.If you're not familiar with the original game, there are several small scenarios and a couple of campaign games. Each year is divided into four seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter), and each season has two turns (so, roughly 6 weeks per turn). The map scale is roughly 6 miles per hex and units are, generally, battalions or regiments. During the operational phase, players take turns (who gets to operate is determined by the NLF player) conducting operations with their units to destroy the enemy, clear the roads, take towns and cities, or just reposition units. In the Campaign Game, during Seasonal Interphases, each player decides whether and how many additional units and/or resources to bring in to the fight. The game features hidden VC units, airmobility, riverines, national morale, pacification, ARVN effectiveness, and many other nuances that allow the player to grasp the some of the experience of what it might have been like to conduct the war in Vietnam.

Regular price $73.88 USD
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GMT Games Conquest and Consequence - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Conquest and Consequence

Conquest and Consequence brings the Triumph and Tragedy system to the Pacific/East Asia theater during the same 1936-1945 time period. Like T&T, it is designed for 3 players, maintaining the 3-sided dynamic that adds so much variety and intrigue to the system.- Militarist Japan, the first Asian power to modernize, seeks to replace the European colonial empires in East Asia with a true "all-Asian" empire, with itself as the natural leader.-The Communist Soviet faction comprises the Siberian USSR and the Red Chinese revolutionaries.- The Capitalist USA faction consists of the United States, the British Empire, and the struggling regime of Nationalist China. The game begins in 1936 with the Militarists in control of Japan and expansion on the agenda. Its [war] industry is well developed, but it is weak in population and particularly resources. Its battle-hardened army has easily overrun resource-rich Manchuria, and a weak China awaits.Japan (like Germany in T&T) has the early initiative due to its well-prepared military. Will it:-Move south into China?-Take the "Northern Road" into resource-rich east Siberia (as favored by the army)?-Pursue the "Southern Road" to the oil-rich Dutch East Indies advocated by its navy?-Or bide its time, seeking a better position via diplomatic arrangements with neutrals including independent Chinese warlord states?

Regular price $93.65 USD
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GMT Games Red Storm: Baltic Approaches Expansion - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Red Storm: Baltic Approaches Expansion

Baltic Approaches Expansion,Red Storm: Baltic Approaches is the first expansion for GMT's Red Storm game of operational level air combat between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Red Storm: Baltic Approaches adds the air forces of three new countries (Denmark, Sweden, and Poland) along with additional units for nations represented in Red Storm, including US Marine Corps aircraft. The game will also add naval units, anti-ship missiles, maritime weather, and rules covering other facets of air combat in the predominantly maritime domain of the western Baltic. Scenarios featuring mission types from Red Storm (close air support, interdiction, air defense suppression, and deep strike) will be joined by new types focused on raids against enemy ships, amphibious operation support, airborne drops, and aerial mining. Solo scenarios, using the Bot system introduced in Red Storm, will also be included. New aircraft types will include the F-4S Phantom, AV-8B Harrier II, F/A-18A Hornet, A-6E Intruder, EA-6B Prowler, Atlantic 2, P-3C Orion, F-35XD Draken, JA-37/AJ-37 Viggen, Tu-22M Backfire, Su-20 Fitter, Tu-95 Bear, IL-38 May, and more. Naval units range from cruisers and destroyers down through amphibious ships, missile patrol craft, and other types from the various countries whose navies would be engaged in the area. Players will need a copy of Red Storm: The Air War Over Central Germany, 1987 to play Red Storm: Baltic Approaches . Contents: 2 Maps (34" x 22") 1 Rules/Scenario/Appendices booklet 1 Counter Sheet 1 Player Aid Card (11 x 17) 2 Aircraft Data Cards (11 x 17) 2 Naval Data Cards (8.5 x 11) 2 Naval Display Cards (8.5 x 11) 1 Pad Naval Unit Log Sheets

Regular price $41.59 USD
Regular price Sale price $41.59 USD
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GMT Games Fire in the Lake: Fall of Saigon Expansion - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Fire in the Lake: Fall of Saigon Expansion

Vietnam, 1975. The Provisional Revolutionary Government was ready. After internal debate, the Communists had issued Resolution 21-the war to unify the country would continue. The Paris Peace would serve as merely one more tool in the armed struggle. In Saigon, President Thieu had known from the beginning that the ceasefire was an empty promise, but he had to accept his US ally's hollow accords with the North. Nonetheless, he now fielded one of the world's best equipped armies, and the victories of 1972 proved to him that it could withstand even an all-out assault from the North. While President Nixon had pledged peace with honor, his determination to enforce South Vietnam's independence had floundered amidst the worst US presidential scandal in history. What now from Ford? From Hanoi, Le Duc Tho-the negotiator who had squared off against Kissinger in Paris-was to trek south to oversee the final push to Saigon on behalf of the Politburo. His orders: "Do not come home until victory is won."Mark Herman and Volko Ruhnke's award-winning Fire in the Lake revealed the factional clashes of the US insurgency in Vietnam, from the first entry of US combat troops under Westmoreland to the '72 Christmas bombings that teed up their negotiated withdrawal. Now, Fall of Saigon expands Fire in the Lake to finish the story. Three Fall of Saigon scenarios enable 1-4 players to extend play beyond Paris, beginning before 1968's Tet, on the eve of the 1972 Easter Offensive, or from 1964 all the way to the end of the war. A standalone 2-player Black April scenario focuses tightly on the post-Paris sparring between NVA and ARVN, including the final massive battles, advances, and retreats.

Regular price $44.47 USD
Regular price Sale price $44.47 USD
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GMT Games Last Hundred Yards: Solomons - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Last Hundred Yards: Solomons

The Last Hundred Yards Vol. 3: The Solomon Islands is the third game in the Last Hundred Yards Series. This game focuses on the vicious and brutal Solomons Campaign, including actions to control the islands of Guadalcanal, Bougainville, and New Georgia. When you play the Solomon Islands Campaign missions, you will experience some of the fiercest small unit actions in the Pacific Theater. The game will focus on actions involving the 1st (The Old Breed) and 3rd (Fighting Third) Marine Divisions, as well as the Army's 25th Infantry Division-the unit that finally drove the Japanese off the island, earning them the nickname "Tropic Lightning." Take to the jungles of Guadalcanal with the 1st Marine Division as they begin the first ground offensive of the war. Landed onto Guadalcanal and with intermittent naval support as the struggle for naval supremacy raged offshore, the Marines fought tooth and nail to secure their small foothold around Henderson Airfield. They fought against Japanese Reinforcements coming from all over the South Pacific area. Engage in bitter jungle fighting with the 3rd Marine Division as they attempt to hold and expand the beachhead on Bougainville Island against the Imperial Japanese 6th Infantry Division.Finally, serve with the 25th Infantry Division's famed 27th Regiment, the "Wolfhounds," as they try to reduce Japanese positions on Guadalcanal's Galloping Horse Ridge (an action that is portrayed in the movie "The Thin Red Line"). You will also fight with the Wolfhounds in the jungle around Munda Point for the airfield on New Georgia. Each of these actions involved tense jungle warfare and the routing out of fanatical Japanese units from hidden bunkers and pillboxes. You will understand the nerve-racking frustration of clearing an enemy position, only to have infiltrators attack you yet again from a different direction, at night! This volume introduces new weapons and terrain including flamethrowers, anti-tank halftracks, light and heavy jungle. Each mission will provide new challenges with different elements, forces, and situations encountered, making this volume an exciting and nail-biting addition to The Last Hundred Yard Series. Note: This game is a stand alone game. It does NOT require ownership of The Last Hundred Yards to be played.

Regular price $52.39 USD
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