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Brass: Birmingham, Pandemic Legacy: Season 1, Gloomhaven , Ark Nova , Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition, Dune: Imperium, Terraforming Mars


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GMT Games Conquest and Consequence - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Conquest and Consequence

Conquest and Consequence brings the Triumph and Tragedy system to the Pacific/East Asia theater during the same 1936-1945 time period. Like T&T, it is designed for 3 players, maintaining the 3-sided dynamic that adds so much variety and intrigue to the system.- Militarist Japan, the first Asian power to modernize, seeks to replace the European colonial empires in East Asia with a true "all-Asian" empire, with itself as the natural leader.-The Communist Soviet faction comprises the Siberian USSR and the Red Chinese revolutionaries.- The Capitalist USA faction consists of the United States, the British Empire, and the struggling regime of Nationalist China. The game begins in 1936 with the Militarists in control of Japan and expansion on the agenda. Its [war] industry is well developed, but it is weak in population and particularly resources. Its battle-hardened army has easily overrun resource-rich Manchuria, and a weak China awaits.Japan (like Germany in T&T) has the early initiative due to its well-prepared military. Will it:-Move south into China?-Take the "Northern Road" into resource-rich east Siberia (as favored by the army)?-Pursue the "Southern Road" to the oil-rich Dutch East Indies advocated by its navy?-Or bide its time, seeking a better position via diplomatic arrangements with neutrals including independent Chinese warlord states?

Regular price $93.65 USD
Regular price Sale price $93.65 USD
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GMT Games Red Storm: Baltic Approaches Expansion - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Red Storm: Baltic Approaches Expansion

Baltic Approaches Expansion,Red Storm: Baltic Approaches is the first expansion for GMT's Red Storm game of operational level air combat between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Red Storm: Baltic Approaches adds the air forces of three new countries (Denmark, Sweden, and Poland) along with additional units for nations represented in Red Storm, including US Marine Corps aircraft. The game will also add naval units, anti-ship missiles, maritime weather, and rules covering other facets of air combat in the predominantly maritime domain of the western Baltic. Scenarios featuring mission types from Red Storm (close air support, interdiction, air defense suppression, and deep strike) will be joined by new types focused on raids against enemy ships, amphibious operation support, airborne drops, and aerial mining. Solo scenarios, using the Bot system introduced in Red Storm, will also be included. New aircraft types will include the F-4S Phantom, AV-8B Harrier II, F/A-18A Hornet, A-6E Intruder, EA-6B Prowler, Atlantic 2, P-3C Orion, F-35XD Draken, JA-37/AJ-37 Viggen, Tu-22M Backfire, Su-20 Fitter, Tu-95 Bear, IL-38 May, and more. Naval units range from cruisers and destroyers down through amphibious ships, missile patrol craft, and other types from the various countries whose navies would be engaged in the area. Players will need a copy of Red Storm: The Air War Over Central Germany, 1987 to play Red Storm: Baltic Approaches . Contents: 2 Maps (34" x 22") 1 Rules/Scenario/Appendices booklet 1 Counter Sheet 1 Player Aid Card (11 x 17) 2 Aircraft Data Cards (11 x 17) 2 Naval Data Cards (8.5 x 11) 2 Naval Display Cards (8.5 x 11) 1 Pad Naval Unit Log Sheets

Regular price $41.59 USD
Regular price Sale price $41.59 USD
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GMT Games Fire in the Lake: Fall of Saigon Expansion - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Fire in the Lake: Fall of Saigon Expansion

Vietnam, 1975. The Provisional Revolutionary Government was ready. After internal debate, the Communists had issued Resolution 21-the war to unify the country would continue. The Paris Peace would serve as merely one more tool in the armed struggle. In Saigon, President Thieu had known from the beginning that the ceasefire was an empty promise, but he had to accept his US ally's hollow accords with the North. Nonetheless, he now fielded one of the world's best equipped armies, and the victories of 1972 proved to him that it could withstand even an all-out assault from the North. While President Nixon had pledged peace with honor, his determination to enforce South Vietnam's independence had floundered amidst the worst US presidential scandal in history. What now from Ford? From Hanoi, Le Duc Tho-the negotiator who had squared off against Kissinger in Paris-was to trek south to oversee the final push to Saigon on behalf of the Politburo. His orders: "Do not come home until victory is won."Mark Herman and Volko Ruhnke's award-winning Fire in the Lake revealed the factional clashes of the US insurgency in Vietnam, from the first entry of US combat troops under Westmoreland to the '72 Christmas bombings that teed up their negotiated withdrawal. Now, Fall of Saigon expands Fire in the Lake to finish the story. Three Fall of Saigon scenarios enable 1-4 players to extend play beyond Paris, beginning before 1968's Tet, on the eve of the 1972 Easter Offensive, or from 1964 all the way to the end of the war. A standalone 2-player Black April scenario focuses tightly on the post-Paris sparring between NVA and ARVN, including the final massive battles, advances, and retreats.

Regular price $44.47 USD
Regular price Sale price $44.47 USD
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GMT Games Last Hundred Yards: Solomons - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Last Hundred Yards: Solomons

The Last Hundred Yards Vol. 3: The Solomon Islands is the third game in the Last Hundred Yards Series. This game focuses on the vicious and brutal Solomons Campaign, including actions to control the islands of Guadalcanal, Bougainville, and New Georgia. When you play the Solomon Islands Campaign missions, you will experience some of the fiercest small unit actions in the Pacific Theater. The game will focus on actions involving the 1st (The Old Breed) and 3rd (Fighting Third) Marine Divisions, as well as the Army's 25th Infantry Division-the unit that finally drove the Japanese off the island, earning them the nickname "Tropic Lightning." Take to the jungles of Guadalcanal with the 1st Marine Division as they begin the first ground offensive of the war. Landed onto Guadalcanal and with intermittent naval support as the struggle for naval supremacy raged offshore, the Marines fought tooth and nail to secure their small foothold around Henderson Airfield. They fought against Japanese Reinforcements coming from all over the South Pacific area. Engage in bitter jungle fighting with the 3rd Marine Division as they attempt to hold and expand the beachhead on Bougainville Island against the Imperial Japanese 6th Infantry Division.Finally, serve with the 25th Infantry Division's famed 27th Regiment, the "Wolfhounds," as they try to reduce Japanese positions on Guadalcanal's Galloping Horse Ridge (an action that is portrayed in the movie "The Thin Red Line"). You will also fight with the Wolfhounds in the jungle around Munda Point for the airfield on New Georgia. Each of these actions involved tense jungle warfare and the routing out of fanatical Japanese units from hidden bunkers and pillboxes. You will understand the nerve-racking frustration of clearing an enemy position, only to have infiltrators attack you yet again from a different direction, at night! This volume introduces new weapons and terrain including flamethrowers, anti-tank halftracks, light and heavy jungle. Each mission will provide new challenges with different elements, forces, and situations encountered, making this volume an exciting and nail-biting addition to The Last Hundred Yard Series. Note: This game is a stand alone game. It does NOT require ownership of The Last Hundred Yards to be played.

Regular price $52.39 USD
Regular price Sale price $52.39 USD
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GMT Games Storm Above The Reich - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Storm Above The Reich

Storm Above the Reich is a solitaire game depicting a Luftwaffe squadron of Fw190s struggling to deter and destroy the relentless daylight raids over Germany during World War Two. The player's individual aircraft, each represented by a stickered block, must confront the mighty "combat box" formation of the United States Army Air Force, a deadly terrain of B-24 Liberator heavy bombers. Like its counterpart, Skies Above the Reich, the game is a broad strokes depiction that presents the arc of the desperate air war. Stretching from late 1942 to early 1945, Storm Above the Reich follows that trajectory in a series of missions strung together to make a campaign. Each mission will take a half hour or more to play, while a campaign can last anywhere between 6 to 60 missions.Stand-Alone and an Expansion: Storm Above the Reich is a stand-alone game; you don't need Skies Above the Reich to play. However, it can also serve as an expansion for that game. Storm uses the same rules as Skies, and components in one game transfer seamlessly to the other. Combined, Storm and Skies present eight formation maps, six pursuit maps, B-17s and B-24s. In Storm, you get an oversized staffel of 18 Fw190s, with the option of augmenting it into a Sturmbocke staffel. In Skies, you get a staffel of Bf109s, and with the games combined, the staffels can also be combined. The Mission: You select pilots and "attachments," such as gun pods, rockets, or added armor. You may also augment your attack with auxiliary aircraft such as Me110s, Bf109s, or later in the war, jet propelled Me163s, an erratic but powerful weapon. Time in a mission is limited, so you must do your best to wreck the bomber formation as quickly as possible, while bringing home as many pilots as you can in order to muster a force for the next mission. The mission is played on a formation map that depicts as many as twenty-one B-24 bombers in a tight array. The game comes with two double-sided map boards (four maps in all) that as a set chronicle the development and increasing lethality of the bomber formation. Each map is a bigger and more lethal terrain than its predecessor. Will you strike the formation from the nose or from the tail? Will your fighters make a dead-level attack or will they drop bombs on the formation from above? Will you split your squadron to attack from multiple angles, or will they charge at the bombers in successive waves? Will you even have time for this kind of maneuver? What if you encounter the bombers' "little friends," fighter escort lurking nearby? How will you handle them if you do, or will you even try? Will you organize part of your force to tangle with escort, or will you arm your entire contingent to focus on the bombers? The Campaign: As tough as each mission can be, the real challenge is the campaign where you watch as your roster of pilots gradually shrinks. Some pilots will survive long enough to acquire ace skills, but you will be forced to replace downed or wounded pilots, and those young newcomers come "green". Some campaigns will end simply because you run out of pilots. Full Campaigns follow the chronology of "seasons," each comprising a number of missions that your squadron flies striving to disrupt the American bomber raids. In a full campaign you must endure all seven seasons, keeping your squadron intact while making an impact on the relentless wave of bomber formations roaring over your homeland. A short campaign challenges you to win a single season, although you may wish to extend it to a second or third season depending on how well you fare.Each season represents a distinct period of the war, as the campaign traverses the history of the air war. Bombers become more heavily armed but so too do your own Fw190 fighters. Early seasons are characterized by smaller formations, while seasons in the middle of the war are notable for the lack of fighter escort. And later seasons will put the squeeze on your squadron.

Regular price $79.91 USD
Regular price Sale price $79.91 USD
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GMT Games PQ - 17: Norway 1940 Expansion - Lost City Toys

GMT Games PQ-17: Norway 1940 Expansion

It is Spring 1940, and both the British and the Germans have plans to invade neutral Norway. The British still have the French on their side, while the German Kriegsmarine will never be larger. Who will strike first?Norway 1940 is a ziplock expansion for PQ-17 that adds all the British, French, Polish, and German naval and air units needed to re-fight this tense air-naval battle, including such seldom-seen ships and aircraft as the repair ship HMS Vindictive, German Type II U-boats, Blackburn Skuas and Rocs, and early Ju88 heavy fighters. Special rules reflect the unique conditions of the campaign, such as Scandinavian neutrality, Norwegian coastal defenses, faulty German torpedoes, shore bombardments, and Allied establishment of a forward naval base (historically in the Lofotens). And just as in the parent game, secretly determined special conditions offer new opportunities and threats to both sides. Will the British pre-empt the German invasion? Will the Germans attempt to break out into the Atlantic with their heavy ships? Will the Allies elect to stay in Narvik instead of evacuating with the fall of France imminent? Or will the Germans make a daring attempt to seize Iceland before the Allies can occupy it in force?Norway 1940 includes three operational scenarios highlighting key periods of the campaign. Operation WESERaœBUNG covers early April 1940, with both sides attempting to land ground forces in neutral Norway. Operation SICKLE covers the second half of the month, as the Allies counter-attack after the successful German invasion. And Operation JUNO depicts the end of the campaign in early June, when the Germans attempt to interfere with the Allied offensive on Narvik, unaware that the Allies have already decided to evacuate (or have they?). Plus a 1940 Campaign scenario allows players to refight the entire 10-week campaign, including a semi-abstract system for ground operations that will ultimately decide victory in the game.

Regular price $43.06 USD
Regular price Sale price $43.06 USD
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GMT Games Dominant Species: Marine 2nd Printing - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Dominant Species: Marine 2nd Printing

Sixty-Something Millions of Years Ago - A great ice age has ended. With massive warming altering the globe, another titanic struggle for supremacy has unwittingly commenced between the varying animal species.Dominant Species: Marine is a game that abstractly recreates a small portion of ancient history: the ending of an onerous ice age and what that entails for the living creatures trying to adapt to the slowly-changing earth. Each player will assume the role of one of four major aquatic-based animal classes-dinosaur, fish, cephalopod or crustacean. Each begins the game more or less in a state of natural balance in relation to one another. But that won't last: It is indeed "survival of the fittest."Through wily action pawn placement, you will attempt to thrive in as many different habitats as possible in order to claim powerful card effects. You will also want to propagate your individual species in order to earn victory points for your animal. You will be aided in these endeavors via speciation, migration and adaptation actions, among others. All of this eventually leads to the end game - the final ascent of a vast tropical ocean and its shorelines - where the player having accumulated the most victory points will have their animal crowned the Dominant Species.But somebody better become dominant quickly, because there's a large asteroid heading this way....

Regular price $74.98 USD
Regular price Sale price $74.98 USD
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GMT Games Battle Line Medieval Edition - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Battle Line Medieval Edition

Now in it's 8th GMT Printing, designer Reiner Knizia's Battle Line is GMT's #2 All-time best-selling game! This new re-themed version of Battle Line is a two-player strategy card game built around the theme of Medieval warfare. This re-themed version of Battle Line features 60 beautiful new cards by illustrator Roland MacDonald, as well as 10 full-color tactics "wildcards" that give players extra flexibility and choices and help make each new battle wildly different from the last.Battle Line takes about 30 minutes to play. To win, you must create powerful formations along your side of the line of battle that are superior to those of your enemy. Victory goes to the player who wins 5 of the 9 battle flags (an envelopment) or three adjacent flags (a breakthrough). Based on Reiner Knizia's original design published in Germany as Shotten-Totten, Battle Line enhances and expands that game system to give players even more tactical options and gut-wrenching decisions.Battle Line places you in command of your army's strategies. How will you muster your formations? Will you use your powerful KingsGuard to vanquish your enemy, or perhaps send the King of England or France to the front to win a critical flag? Or perhaps you"ll rely on your spies to determine the enemy"s strengths and weaknesses before committing your best forces. You'll always have plenty of choices. With every card play, you'll determine the strength and direction of your attack while plotting to fend off your enemy's advances.In Battle Line, you and your opponent lead the combined arms of the greatest units of the era. Will you, like the great Kings of yore, reign supreme? Play Battle Line, and find out.

Regular price $23.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $23.55 USD
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GMT Games SpaceCorp: 2025 G¦ú 2300 AD - Lost City Toys

GMT Games SpaceCorp: 2025 G¦ú 2300 AD

SpaceCorp: 2025-2300 AD is a fast-playing board game in which one to four players explore and develop outer space over three eras. Each player controls an Earth-based enterprise seeking profit by driving the expansion of humanity into the Solar System and beyond. During the game you earn profit from exploration discoveries, by conducting production at resource sites, and by completing contracts. For example, a contract in the Mariners era rewards the first player to build a base on Mars. The player with the most profit at the end of the game wins but there are many ways to get there. Will you focus on ...being the first to explore new horizons beyond known space?developing genetics and tech breakthroughs for spacefaring humans?exploiting the resources of space?beating other players to contract awards?or will you go rogue, striking from your secure pirate bases?1-4 players1 hour per eraContents:3 space maps on two mounted boards (two maps are back-to-back)4 player mats4 sets of player pieces, each with 4 exploration team cubes27 base discs representing specialized space installations, and various markers61 exploration tiles20 colony tilesContract and profit display for tracking the players' profits and their achievement of contracts178 action cards, organized into three decks, one for each era32 advancement cards20 miscellaneous game markers9 player aid cards

Regular price $70.67 USD
Regular price Sale price $70.67 USD
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GMT Games Fields of Fire Volume 2 With the Old Breed - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Fields of Fire Volume 2 With the Old Breed

Fleet Marine Force Manual 6-4 Marine Rifle Company/Platoon - "The primary mission of the Marine rifle company and platoon is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or to repel his assault by fire and close combat." In Fields of Fire Vol. II: "With the Old Breed," you pin on your captain's bars and take command of a rifle company in the 5th Marines, the most decorated regiment in the US Marine Corps. Test your mettle in three campaigns spanning World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Battle ashore in the blazing heat of Peleliu in September 1944 to discover the Japanese have changed their strategy and you are forced to dig them out of the coral ridges. Flares reveal waves of Chinese pouring over the rugged mountains of the Chosin Reservoir, Korea, in sub zero weather in November 1950. Fight house to house in Hue City, Vietnam in February 1968. These three campaigns live on in the legends and history of the United States Marine Corps.Fields of Fire is a solitaire game system that gives players the challenge of commanding a rifle company between World War II and Present Day. The game is different from many tactical games in that it is diceless and card based. There are two decks used to play. The Terrain Deck is based on a specific region and is used to build a map for the various missions your company must perform. The Action deck serves many purposes in controlling combat, command and control, various activity attempts. The units of the company are counters representing headquarters elements, squads, weapons teams, forward observers, individual vehicles or helicopters. A single playing is a mission and several missions from an historical campaign are strung together for the player to manage experience and replacements. A mission can be played in about 1 - 2 hours.This volume of Fields of Fire is based on three actual campaigns experienced by units of the 5th Marines of the 1st Marine Division "Blue Diamond" in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and is the second volume of the Fields of Fire series.

Regular price $72.74 USD
Regular price Sale price $72.74 USD
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GMT Games Next War Poland 2nd Edition - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Next War Poland 2nd Edition

Ukraine is in turmoil: embroiled in a civil war which has lasted for years and the situation seems further from resolution with each year that passes. Clandestine support from both Russia and the West fuels the war and keeps any hope of peace at bay. In the meantime, the civil war in Syria and the fight against Islamic extremism gathers steam. NATO and Russia stare each other down in a "coopetittion" in the region, and tensions rise meteorically as not so "friendly" fire incidents occur. The West tightens sanctions against Russia and ratchets up its rhetoric; Russia, meanwhile, attempting to regain a place in global power politics, responds with sanctions of its own against Turkey and starts low-level cyber warfare and "little green men" incidents in the Baltics. Tempers flare across the world, Turkey shoots down another Russian plane while Russian SAM batteries shoot down a Turkish F-16 in retaliation. Russia declares enough is enough, decides on war with NATO, and invades the Baltics and Poland. Belarus, knowing where it's bread is buttered, joins in. Some NATO nations rush to the rescue while others debate the issue. Once again, Europe trembles to the rumble of tank treads and marching boots...Next War: Poland, the fourth volume in GMT's Next War Series. This game moves the action from Asia to Europe and allows players to fight a near future war in Poland as the Russians and their allies invade and NATO responds.A large portion of Poland is represented by the Operational (hex) map, while the Baltics are represented by a Strategic Display (similar to Next War: Taiwan's). The Russians are not the behemoth of the Cold War, but they possess good material and a much better trained army than before. The Baltics, using new rules and mechanics, may fall quickly, although their forces may put up some resistance and make an appearance as reinforcements, while the front quickly establishes itself in eastern Poland as the Russian 6th and 20th Armies push forward to seal the Suwalki Gap while NATO rushes forces into the area spearheaded by the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps and followed up by whatever nation's troops respond to the Article 5 declaration. The question is, can NATO stop the Russians or will Poland be overrun while Russia presents the world with a fait accompli?Note: the Next War series is not an Introductory wargame. Rather, we have intended herein to create a system (and a series) that will allow detailed study of modern warfare in various venues as well as engaging gameplay. That said, the Standard Game rules encompass a fairly straightforward ruleset that will, we think, be considered pretty "easy to learn" by experienced wargamers. So players who choose to play Standard Game scenarios can have a relatively quick game when that's what suits them. The real flavor of a war in the theatre, though, comes through in the Advanced Game, where you get much more control over airpower and can more clearly see each side's strengths and weaknesses. For players who want a "mini-monster game" experience, playing the Advanced Game Campaign Scenarios with some or all of the optional rules will definitely "deliver."Ownership of any previous Next War Series game will NOT be required to play, although ownership of Supplement #1 and Supplement #2 adds to the games.

Regular price $80.34 USD
Regular price Sale price $80.34 USD
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GMT Games Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Epics (2nd Printing) - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Epics (2nd Printing)

EPIC Napoleonics is the sixth expansion for GMT's Commands & Colors Napoleonics game system. EPIC Napoleonics allows for fighting larger battles with more units. EPIC Napoleonics is actually two game systems in one - the Epic Battles system, and the La Grande Battles system. Although the scope of GMT Games' Napoleonic game has changed size wise, the historical feel and the basic rules of play, for the most part, remain the same. To experience the maximum enjoyment with these two new Napoleonic game formats, both EPIC Napoleonics and La Grande Battles scenarios are best played using the Command card and Tactician card decks that were part of the Generals, Marshals and Tacticians expansion.Included in this expansion are six standard sized scenarios that focus on key phases of the battle of Austerlitz, 2 December 1805. This expansion also features 12 EPIC sized engagements and two La Grande Battle scenarios. Also included are two double-sided mounted maps. The EPIC sided battlefield is larger, and at 11 hexes deep by 20 hexes wide, it is almost double the size of the standard size battlefield of 9 hexes deep by 13 hexes wide. When laid side-by-side to form the La Grande battlefield, the battle area is a whopping 11 hexes deep by 26 hexes wide.Contents:1 Rule And Scenarios Booklet6 Double-sided Epic Scenario Sheets (12 Epic Scenarios)1 Double-sided La Grande Scenario Sheets (2 La Grande Scenarios)2 Battlefield Map Boards3 Terrain Card Sheets33 Double-sided Terrain Tiles54 Victory Banners12 Garrison Markers12 Square Counters (Two Counters For Each Nation, With "square 5" And "square 6" On Counters)8 Battle Dice And LabelsOver 150 Unit Blocks And Label Sheets

Regular price $69.23 USD
Regular price Sale price $69.23 USD
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GMT Games Triumph and Tragedy - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Triumph and Tragedy

Triumph and Tragedy is a geopolitical strategy game for 3 players (also playable by 2) covering the competition for European supremacy during the period 1935-45 between Capitalism (the West), Communism (the Soviet Union) and Fascism (the Axis). It has diplomatic, economic, technological and military components, and can be won by gaining economic hegemony or technological supremacy (A-bomb), or by vanquishing a rival militarily.The 22" x 34" mounted area map covers Eurasia to India and the Urals, with the Americas and the eastern British Empire represented abstractly. Military units are 1/2" blocks, of 7 types (Infantry/Tank/Fortress/AirForce/Carrier/Fleet/Submarine), in 6 different colors (Germany/Italy/Russia/Britain/France/USA). The mix of approximately 200 blocks allows great flexibility of force composition. There is a 55-card Action deck and a 55-card Investment deck, plus 30 Peace Dividend chits and 50 markers of various types.The game starts in 1935, with all 3 Great Powers virtually disarmed: Germany has repudiated the Versailles Peace Treaty, initiating an arms race in Europe. With blocks, the nature of military buildups remain unknown to rivals unless/until military conflict breaks out. The game may end peacefully or there may be war. There are game sanctions for attacking neutral minors or declaring war on an opponent, and rewards for remaining peaceful (you get a Peace Dividend chit of value 0-2 for every year you remain at Peace).

Regular price $86.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $86.75 USD
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GMT Games Churchill 3rd Printing - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Churchill 3rd Printing

By late 1942 the Axis had been stopped at Stalingrad, El Alamein, and Guadalcanal. With Axis expansion halted and Allied victory only a matter of time and resources Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin began to focus on how to shape the ensuing peace to their advantage. Churchill is a game about the inter-Allied conflicts that occurred over the Conference table as each side vies to control the Allied agenda and the course of things to come.The players in the game take on the roles of Churchill, Roosevelt, or Stalin as they maneuver against each over the course of six Conferences that determine who will lead the Allied forces, where those forces will be deployed, and how the Axis will be defeated. The player whose forces collectively have greater control over the surrendered Axis powers will win the peace and the game.Churchill is a three player game of Coop-etiion where the players must cooperate to win World War II, while at the same time achieving a superior post war position over your allies. If the players collectively fail to defeat the Axis the Allies lose, but if the Axis are defeated, there is a victor of the peace that follows. There is also a two player and solo variant.Churchill is NOT a wargame, but a political conflict of cooperation and competition. While the game focuses on 10 of the historical conferences from 1943 till the end of the war these and much of this design should not be taken literally. Before and after each conference small groups of advisors and senior officials moved between the Allied capitals making the deals that drove the post war peace. Each conference sees one of a group of issues nominated for inclusion in the conference. The issues categories are: Theater leadership changes, directed offensives, production priorities, clandestine operations, political activity, and strategic warfare (A-bomb). Each of the historical conference cards independently puts some number of issues such as directed offensives or production priorities metaphorically put on the table, while the players nominate an additional 7 issues.

Regular price $81.44 USD
Regular price Sale price $81.44 USD
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GMT Games Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Prussian Army Expansion (2nd Printing) - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Prussian Army Expansion (2nd Printing)

In 1806 Napoleon crushed the fearsome Prussian military machine. The humiliation of military defeat and being forced to cede much of its territories forced the Prussian king, Frederick William III, into much-needed military reform. The new Prussian army that emerged became one of the finest in Europe., due in part to the organizational genius of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and in part due to Field-Marshal Prince Bla¼cher, who drove his regiments to fight with relentless vigor. In 1813 Prussia rejoined the war against Napoleonic France and the Prussian army under Bla¼cher, although sometimes playing second fiddle to Austria, Russia and Great Britain, was a major force in bringing an end to Napoleon Bonaparte's rule.In 1815 Napoleon returned to meet the English and Prussians, which would lead to his Waterloo. Prussia's reward in 1815 at the Congress of Vienna was the recovery of her lost territories, as well as the whole of the Rhineland and Westphalia and other territories. Prussia therefore emerged from the Napoleonic Wars as the dominant power in Germany.In this expansion you will find 18 historical scenarios that focus on the Prussian Army battles from 1806 to 1815 against Napoleon, plus all the new units you'll need to field for these engagements.Contents:1 Scenario Booklet Featuring 20 Historical Scenarios Plus Expansion Rules2 National Unit Reference Cards4 Block Label Sheets1 Terrain Tile Sheet - Contains 15 Double-sided Terrain Tiles1 Square And Counter Sheet131 Wood Blocks: 23 French Blue & 108 Prussian Gray78 Wood Blocks: 39 French Blue & 39 Prussian Gray36 Wood Blocks: 9 French Blue & 27 Prussian Gray1 Double-sided Terrain Effects Chart Card

Regular price $64.53 USD
Regular price Sale price $64.53 USD
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GMT Games Cuba Libre 4th Printing - Lost City Toys

GMT Games Cuba Libre 4th Printing

In December 1956, paroled rebel Fidel Castro returned to Cuba to launch his revolution with virtually no political base and-after a disastrous initial encounter with government forces-a total of just 12 men. Two years later, through masterful propaganda and factional maneuver, Castro, his brother Raaºl, and iconic revolutionary Che Guevara had united disparate guerrillas and exploited Cubans' deep opposition to their dictator Fulgencio Batista y Zalda­var. Castro's takeover of the country became a model for Leftist insurgency.Castro's InsurgencyFollowing up on GMT Games' Andean Abyss, the COIN Series next volume, Cuba Libre, takes 1 to 4 players into the Cuban Revolution. Castro's Marxist "26 July Movement" must expand from its bases in the Sierra Maestra mountains to fight its way to Havana. Meanwhile, anti-communist student groups, urban guerrillas, and ex-patriots try to de-stabilize the Batista regime from inside and out, while trying not to pave the way for a new dictatorship under Castro. Batista's Government must maintain steam to counter the twin insurgency, while managing two benefactors: its fragile US Alliance and its corrupting Syndicate skim. And in the midst of the turmoil, Meyer Lansky and his Syndicate bosses will jockey to keep their Cuban gangster paradise alive.COIN Series, Volume IICuba Libre will be easy to learn for Andean Abyss players-both volumes share the same innovative COIN system. Like Volume I, Cuba Libre is equally playable solitaire or by multiple players up to 4-and with a shorter time to completion than Andean Abyss. But Cuba Libre's situation and strategic challenges will be new. A deck of 48 fresh events brings 1950s Cuba to life and includes ...The Twelve: The first wave's escape to the Sierra Maestra-inspirational legend or harbinger of defeat?El Che and Raaºl: Brilliant in the field, or bungling hostage-takers?Operation Fisherman: Can the Marxists pull off a second invasion?General Strike: Urban disruption or rebel embarrassment?Radio Rebelde: Are the masses tuning in, or just the Army direction finders?Pact of Caracas: Can the rebels unite?Armored Cars: Mobile striking power, but in whose hands?Rolando Masferrer: Brutal pro-government tactics-will they help or hurt?Fat Butcher: Can the Mob's enforcer protect its casinos?Sinatra: Frankie's Havana show a boom or bust, and who collects?...and much more.

Regular price $64.19 USD
Regular price Sale price $64.19 USD
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